======================================== WeekCLN version for win10 CopyRight MIYAMA.:kazutomi miyama 2018-2019 kaz_kimijima@yahoo.co.jp ======================================== *In first. This is renewal version for windows10 from my old version weekcln: the account book for expense, for winXP and ie5-VBscript Edition. *Moving Needed Environment of the PC. Win7 or 8 and Win10 PC, smartphone and tablet. In the case using smartphone or tablet, it needs real USB or bluetooth-keyboard. On the tablet mode of win10,the Operational withth tuning function sometimes dosenot act well, Please switch to turn to PC-mode. *Attention point on the action. This programe acts on the mode over- writting always each small date-data files by the step opening new page as calender of dairy hand note book. It is not compleatly that it does not vanish the staked huge daily data. I supposed that it might be better as taking backup the data folder of this program to more safty zone, for example, other drive. Please over write to copy only targat date small files to recover as repairing. This program's working folder: c:\daily_folder data file's style:text file one century mode ten thousand years mode dialy 'date'wc.txt 'date'.day expence 'date'pt.txt 'date'.pay *Spreading Permition. It is free. Anyone can use with no licence. (It is also the reason in the useing-policy permitted of VisualStudio 2017 community- edition. This Program made on the Visual Basic.Net) *Archive contents and how to start the program. wkcln10.zip Archive name weekcln.exe actional program weekclnv.txt program source(vb.net) readmejp.txt domument japanese readmeeg.txt document english chngyyyy.bat data translation batch file for old edition weekcln the functional batch to change old daily- data to new edition filestyle. Please click weekcln.exe from archive- melted. Weekcln will rise up on the factry first mode. The next operational pad will be desplayed. ------------------------------------------------------_[]X Date Diary PaymentText ExitButton Alt+X (Sunday) day-sum TuningButton Alt+T CheeseFixFontCheck Alt+P Monday day-sum ExpressionParaClear Alt+C DayExpressionLength Alt+L Tuesday day-sum MessageCheeseJapanese Alt+M JumpAnydate Alt+J Wednessday day-sum 10000yearsCalenderCheck Alt+Y Thursday day-sum Fryday day-sum Saturday day-sum week-sum JumpBeforeWeek Alt+B FixContents Alt+F JumpNextWeek Alt+N ------------------------------------------------------------ The first mode has 1000 * 650 pyxel for 7inch tablet. *Outline of actions. The program records text windows-contents inputted, calculates payments' sum were records too, and indicates its on the each handy action. *Detail of datafile style. This program mades firstly a the next- named working folder on the C drive's root's direct under layer. \daily_folder The program makes each day data into this folder as date-files. For example, makes 2018/12/31 's data to the next file name style, 20181231.day daily 20182131.pay payment-text This datafiles named always are as the targets to be writen and readed. This operational pad is same as the stationary item System-MemoNote desined. 'Before/Next bottun' are for date paging. *Operation to input date on the textwindows. This program needs using real keyboard. The keyboard tab key makes blick cursor to move, It is able to be used Ctrl+C, +V cut and peast on the each text window. The Payment TextWindows has a recognising by their a little AI. The rewriteing to each small date files with recognising data contents changing to tuning suitable style, that are done at time of the blink cursor goes out from the target each text window not on charactors- inputted time. In this case, Diary window < compress for over many vacant line. Payment window < recognising money numbers and calculation. (also compression vacant over many line with ',0') Those translations are done. and the translation logic calls contents writting to day each data files. (In the time of first design to actions, each windows a little changing from user operation calls the writting event one by one, but over many events rised up and it forces to pressure to machine resources, I changed design to this style.) *Detail of payment windows calculation. I drawed the image using receipt(register paper) data input. The logic distinguished num charactors and other ones in the first time. The all alabic-number charactors (both 1 and 2 byte too) are fixed as calculational target as monay information. (for example, for the demand using num data on sure meaning of No1,No2,then please using to expression as the one,two... style.) The contents inputted by keyboard is once tuned with no multiline style in inner logic, once data always is made one line style, for the example, on the operational keyboard's data, orange222apple333grape444plum555 This data is recognised by the logic as next, item_orange 222 item_apple 333 item_grape 444 item_plum 555 and displayes on the pay windows as the next expression. orange,222 apple,333 grape,444 plum,555 The reason of delimiter of ',' is this expression is a part style for CSV text file as a spreadsheet for Excel for example. the small number is permitted to use. but unable to use / :slush as a fraction. / is reserved for the storeaneme saparating function-using. And the logic ignores as a mistype. 1 no meaning 0 sequence, 2 more than second periond existences. for example, 001 >1, 0.00.001 > 0.00001 Those many numbers are calculated by each recognising stages, displayed for each sum-num small windows. *Before/NextWeekMoving(button). The each page has a sunday date as a basical it for date(filename) operation. The system acts on the next logical map: SundayDate +0day= sunday +1 monday +2 tuesday +3 wednessday +4 thurday +5 friday +6 saturday On this logic, BeforeWeeKBTN's action, Saving ThisWeekContents On ThisWeeks'EachDate Sunday Date 1 week 'Back' NewCreate Each7daysDate reading files on the new7daydate if no existence, newmaking on this date ContentsFixBTN Saving ThisWeekContents On ThisWeeks'EachDate (Sanday Date No Operation) Reading Files on the new7dayDate NextWeekBTN Saving ThisWeekContents On ThisWeeks'EachDate Sunday Date 1 week 'Plus' NewCreate Each 7daysDate reading files on the new7daydate if no existence, newmaking on this date The button's shortcuts are Alt+B :BackWeek Alt+N :NextWeek *JumpPagetoAnyDateBTN Alt+J :JumpPage The button on right side of operational surface. Off cource, it used the engines of the before functional buttones. Saving ThisWeekContents On ThisWeeks'EachDate 'Calculation a Sunday Date from ipputed day's week' NewCreate Each 7daysDate reading files on the new7daydate if no existence, newmaking on this date The logic checks new date-data inputted, if it is case of no sutable, displays error message. And it checks leap year imformation. if the year not leap year, changes the 2/29 to as 3/01. *Attention: to input year style (It is a kind of special cace.) The year of input-data is permitted on the area of AD 0 year to 9999 year. (to input AD 0 year, Please type '0000' as meaninig year of 0000/01/01 for for example.) This style is window's date function's one, In the old edition of this program, I didnot take care for example for case of AD9999year. I only designed it to use of 21th century, on the old file rule, date file for example, on the case, 2019/01/01 190101wc.txt DailyTextFile 190101pt.txt PaymentTextFile But for example, on the critical case using ADYYYY style years, it is unable to be recognised as on real using, It cannot distinguish with 1919 and 2019. But it is not error on the old mode, but on this new program, If using date jumping button, the 190101wc/pt.txt is able to be readed or written, on the side of 1919 year's page, on the side of 2119 year's page too. Because it is not suitable, I made next mode, *Permittion Check 10000 year calender Alt+Y Using this mode, 2119/01/01 data is created as the next filenames, 21190101.day DialyFile 21190101.pay PaymentFile The style can distinguished 0-9999 years' each date files. On the clicking the 'CalanderCheck', a event for file-contnts display is rised up too, The next is those moving expressions. ------ CalenderCheck click, (in the case now is 2019/01/01) Now display page contents are saved to the filename 190101wc/pt.txt '10000mode ON' Searching 20190101.day/pay, if nothing makes new files. ------ and 'calendercheck' click again,then ------ CalenderCheck click Now display page contents is saved to the filename 20190101.day/pay 'Mode back to old mode' Searching 190101wc/pt.txt, if nothing makes new files. ------ Then, old file style contents is desplayed again. It is same mean that old data donot be vanished. *DateFileData copying from old mode to new 10000 years mode. Using old data on the 10000 year new mode is necessary to copy old data to new style. I made a tool on the function Dos-Shell (Command.Com) of windows system because of this way easy to design need function by only several lines, though in first I planed it by VB.net complex methods. DosShell tool is the next file(bacth file): CHNGyyyy.bat Only one to click this file, Old date file will be copyed to the new style files. Though this batch-logic makes a backup folder as a neme c:\bakdaily_folder. please donot use this batch to be clicked over times, and absolutely please edit this batch logic, because it is dengerous. Because some user might use old weekcln edition on 199x yeqars, those data has to be changed to 199xMMDD.day/pay style, and I tuned this logic is sure. 9xMMDDwc/pt.txt become to be to, is changed to next, 199xMMDD.day/pay 209xMMDD.day/pay 990101wc/pt.txt old 19990101.day/pay new are 2years. 20990101.day/pay *Stake file for whole. This program makes collection of dialy and whole contents spread sheet. In inside of daily_folder, daily.txt bind of daily sumsheet.csv whole paymant-date(able to use excel) This file-stake logic action, When the week display face appered and editing, it makes one week's stake files are builded. This week-segmanets are units for whole stake. And this program by the each end, it makes to join all week's stake file to more big whole stake file as next example, >daily.txt/sumsheet.csv *Attention If date data records' area is wide, but for the demand using old filename style stake files on the new 10000 years mode, It quests the action changing copying as filename renewal. (the bacth:CHNGyyyy.bat is including for those stake file name chinging.) But on old stake files, for demand using to the next new function for spread sheet expression, The simple genaral method is nothing as regret. It is only a way by each page by each, paging the records week, then reanewaled the stake file by on the new expression. *Style of sumshee.csv as the payment whole file. On cell expression style. on the old style, date(from sunday) item price item price day-sum date item price item price day-sum week-sum new style date(from Sunday) Astore/item price Astore item price item price Astore item price item price Astore item price item price Astore item price Bstore/item price Bstore item price item price Bstore item price item price Bstore item price day-sum date item price item price (...) day-sum week-sum The reason of defference place of day-sum and week-sum to left direction is for more add-sum opreation by user. The next new function is made from the experience of beta-edition using of half year testing. It is a existence that one receipt(cash- register slip) has each one store's name as unique of buying event. On the ammounting payments,Storename and buy purpose is also important information. The new function is pickup the storename and tuning on whole spreadsheet. (more exactly,in first directly, this functional result is outputted to 1 week pay ment stake files in firstly.) Sorting on the key store name pillar, It is able to research payment analysis by each store name. On the program's expression, it will become so narrow and confusing on the opreational pad's windows, storename-writing is worked only to whole spreadsheet (and 1 week payment stake file). *The grammer to distinguish storename. on just before case, orange222apple333 is same meaning to next, orange222 apple333 is recognised next, orange,222 apple,333 On this data, the new logic distinguishes the store name by a key : '/' (slush). Logic-reading the part as the item name, if it discoveres once '/', it recognises a part before '/' is as store name, the remain part after it is item name. If 2nd '/' exists, it is ignored and vanuished. Once a store name discovered, it is holding on the memory, and is to continued to write to next line of sheet file as one receit area. The storename writting is continued to new line for output file, though next line of source data does not have any storename. This continue sequence is only breaked by the cases, 1 New storename discovering (new storename sequence starts). 2 End symbol discovered. The end symbol is double-slash '//'. The Next Charts are concreate examples, 例 example1 Astore/orange222 apple333 grape444 plum555 resolved to spreadsheet, Astore/orange 222 Astore orange 222 apple 333 Astore apple 333 grape 444 Astore grape 444 plum 555 Astore plum 555 example2 Astore/orange222 apple333 Bstore/grape444 plum555 to Astore/orange 222 Astore orange 222 apple 333 Astore apple 333 Bstore/grape 444 Bstore grape 444 plum 555 Bstore plum 555 Astore/orange222 apple333 //grape444 plum555 to Astore/orange 222 Astore orange 222 apple 333 Astore apple 333 //grape 444 grape 444 plum 555 plum 555 It is no cares whrerever is place on the strings. nexts are all active, //grape grape// > grape gr//ape The symbol double slush is recognised, and removes it on the output side. But, two slushes separated are not recognised as the end flag. in the case of next, 'gr/ape/' left slush as storename tag, right slush is ignored. Astore/orange222 apple333 gr/ape/444 plum555 and the result is next. Astore/orange 222 Astore orange 222 apple 333 Astore apple 333 gr/ape/ 444 gr ape 444 cf. a ape is more expensive! plum 555 gr plum 555 Off cource, in the no slush case, any store name is recognised. Astoreorange222 apple333 grape444 plum555 Astoreorange 222 Astoreorange 222 apple 333 apple 333 grape 444 grape 444 plum 555 plum 555 *Expression-Tunig of operation pad. width of operational pad characters size changing font long/short date expression (infection of day/pay text windows width) color of pad frame color of characters The program pad width tuning needs PC mode on the Win10. The program pad width and height is able to be tuning by mouse drag operations. After the mouse drag size changed, please click program-pad frame, then it acts to be reflected for pad-elements' size and location from pad-size. Also those bigth parameteres is written to configurational file by this mouse operation. But it is not sometimes suitable result for pad form re-composistion, because this changing action takes font-charactors size expression is as priority, therefore, The program pad's bigth composition might be confused sometimes. On this case, please tune font size to more small size by Alt+T menu and size-retry. *ExpressionTuningBTN Alt+T To input next numbers for items. If those each value is not suitable, please input again. program pad bigth date indicate width program pad flame's color each window's background color sunday back saturday back characters color changing font ClearBTN Alt+C makes all parameters (without font choice) to the first mode initialising. The first size of program pad is 1000 * 650 pixel for 7inch tablet. The width of date name is a rate for pad width. long exp 0.16 short exp 0.1(expression withoutYeardata) The color code is 16digit style, Next is the first color conditions. form flame lemon weekday background white sunday back thin pink saturday back thin blue charactors color black R G B XX XX XX = XXXXXX red :FF0000 green :00FF00 blue :0000FF pink :FF8888 light green:88FF88 water :8888FF yellow:FFFF00 bluegreen :00FFFF purple:FF00FF white :FFFFFF gray :888888 black :000000 I felt blue character is easy to work. On the dark back and shine characters may be cool? *Cheesing fixed width pitch font Alt+P The fixed pitch font may be easy on CSV style paymant text window or calculational senses. On this Active, only dispaly fix pitch font on the tuning menu. *Long DateExpression Alt+L Active is included a part of year info. (cf. date name windows' width.) *MessageChangeJPN Alt+M On the active time, the messages uses japanese. ------------ *Appendex as enginearing. *Production logic for stake file(general idea). =the event of 1 week page display= V week stake file is opened by sunday's name (global) loop by date from sunday to saterday each weekday file open No n's weekday file reading out >Tuning This contents, and write week stake file. No n's weekday file close loop week stake file close (global) =the event of 1 week page writting = V week stake file is opened by sunday's name (global) loop by date from sunday's name each weeday file open No n's weekday file writting in. >tuning this contents, and write week stake file. No n's weekday file close loop week stake file close(global) Therefore, 1 week stake files are made certainly when contorol(blink corsor) goes to jump new page and goes out from the page by back, next and fix button, The whole stake files are sure made when this program is closed(the event is form_ closed). *Many using of array sequence. I used many array trying to control and tune dot.net contorols and logical action. *By array, Textbox tuning and separated on the logical stream. This program has 4 kind of text box bundle, and 7 days kinds as weekday. Then I prepared 28 pieces of textbox as control array (28 = 4 * 7). The 28 pieces' contorls' index numbers from 0 to 27. The index numbers is used for a method to sepalate for textbox tuning and logical streams. for example, no.19 textbox is 19 = 14 + 5, 14 = 7 * 2 , then 0 datewindow 1 dialy 2 payment 3 day-sum 0 sunday 0 7 14 21 1 monday 1 8 15 22 2 tuesday 2 9 16 23 3 wednessday 3 10 17 24 4 thursday 4 11 18 25 5 friday 5 12 19 26< 6 saturday 6 13 20 27 A pillar is expressed for text kinds, layer is weekday, Then,no.19 is PaymentText and Friday. The event rised up as evantdriven on textbox, it passes self's index number as array to logic, The logic to recognise index array number decides this textbox's kind and call each deffernt function stream. It is a kind logic simple sample. rem n is general index i=0 do while i*7 pre-itemname item(1) > pre-pricestring On the another example, the getting data from configuration file program pad width and colores uses this same way. The CNFG.TXT's case uses 1byte equal charactor:'=' as this case's delimiter. On the each text window, their contents data (whole multi lines) is separated by the delimiter by CRLF at once forcely, then, this way gets a bundle data-lines array for line writting for write textstream. ---------------------------------------- *Appendex for the age background *A meaning of amount book In my young age, so many books were for learning to PC skill as the prograing. I remembered a book was that, It had a words that : 'it is not cool being parameters in global area.' Though it was only that I had a little light antipathy, I recognize now that it is concerned with now-japanese real construtural recession on our economy. On the old days, they separated usually young people types as a littertural or scientifical technological thieoretical it. And it is concerned with those peoples life -background in many cases of their homes. As a pointing whenever now and the past times, the technological education needs some many moneies and those preparation has to be needed on the early times of their sons for the parents. On the another saying, it is really needed sometimes on the very early stage of their children not yet fixed as stable mental development as a infancy. The reals from those reason, it was sometimes builded that were selfish infancy indulged of new genarations' doctor and technologist are there, In somecases, it was serious nightmare, One doctor did a sergery to gather some organs for specimen-collection for hobby- fun. And other elites rised up some criminal terrors after brain-washing by some pseud religious associations. I thought that a atmioc technological closed narrow bureaucratism in the goverment, and elemental perticles' experimental a great huge budget probablly are sure. It is a clear real that our brain-cortex was build as a over-big size on the histry of evolution. And it might be a disfortune for whole mankind, that we disturbed by those over- inovation and skill's system and bundle from the reason of our over-nerve activity. Off cource, they as a technocrate and developper of the invention, many their histrical matters has to be approsed as honers by us, but it is also real facts. Their tendency had a side face as a illusional fantasy for a narrow ideal sight. It is naturally as a prejudice-vision, it is sure that it is a reason from a one (young) one. As a defend, the all technologies were sure from ancient age of Archimedes or Da vinci. The discoveris and developmants need always a being of a experimental room for the alchemist sometimes being as a child- rooms. In my recognisation for the brain development, our evolution might be a 'passive' choice. For the first stage of embrio, eggs' growth makes to build those body's organ-constructure, that has a way for example, 'Once it makes some enough big size, and trims for shaping more detail desin.' For example for development embrio's hand growth, The growth makes a plane flat plate as the style of a spoon, it cuts out some zone's cells as a apoptosis in the lower zones for some chemical substance as a tuner-molecule on the wave's valley. The 5 fingers' style was made by sculpture. The life's nerve system developmant is sure, in the first, many cells were made, and thick conectted by threads by and each, and on the after stage, kills some cells and cuts out for shaping. It is similar as a ecthing for thin copper electrical circits, through operation of the FeCl3 solution. Therefore, I felt more natural that, *The genes of role to trim and shave taking shape is tuned off for the function, *Not being a gene for nerve increacing more. The our brain-being might be over wise for necessity only to live through the earth' world as one animal being. (In our ancesters' strategy on the evolution, They did not take the way having big- brain because it required more many energy as the blood-suger and oxigen. The warm and easy age to live without so complex intelligence, It did not take the strategy. It might be same matters, that the coal and coal-technology are not demanded until the low-cost crude oil will be vanished.) The hypothesis is it, On the needs to be required, probablly it is enough 2 times of brain size at least, but natural results as the experiment of the dice, it was resulted as a 4 times sized. Off cource, more intelligenced mammals was probablly a profitable to survive for the dried up and ice-aged the past age. But over-wising to be required from the natural environment might make some gaps for outer world to acceptation, becouse their inner world infomational constructure grows to over bigth. It is the 'Ideal fantagy' as a willfulness, Our mental has already a demon-house naturally. In this bad meaning, we are native alchemists. The geometry and language letters probablly are the results that the inner informational fantasy expressed to the outer world. The existence of 'line' is a good symbol for the Euclid's geometry, The wishness and desire's high tention to the object makes a line-shapes. In this reason, the being of line is also a meaning a violence as a most near root for disire dynamism. The being a geometry's figures was not to exist naturally before human was borned. (In the exactlly, some plants and un-spined animal as some jelly or star fishes have a geometry's figure. the sun flower has a seeds geometrical array from the reason of growing pressuer. The figure were made from a tentional balance from dynamism. If a expression of 'the geometry is a kind of violence (from desire)' is also bundled by the viewing of 'the tentional dynamism'.) The language is also a method to send some informational relyances, but in other side, from the apes-filedwork knowledge, *Not only the notice for danger as the consideration, *A face of a game method is to cheat for selfish exclusive too. Also including that the geometry is a useful way to build weapon, The inner world: geometry and language are also the love and a reason or method for battle race. * It is freedom someone said it is not cool that the existence of parameters on the global area. But it is clear too, it is un-sophisticated attitude the expression for the objective scientifical research. The past stage for the ancient draw computers was also the so universal campass being for rabos with the younger people. The modern stream of the computer sciences, it was from the UNIX world of the Universal campas. It was not deffer bitween the US and Japan of th euniversal campas scene, for the high expensive edicational money to enter the universal addmittion. It is naturally that the scholars have the childish ideal and some indulged tendency to rotten from the reason the parents cares. I felt the orign of the hippies movement and gay culture was from those campas fassions. The adults worlds way is also not to grumle for the personal tendency and hobby, under existing the required duty is enough satisfied. It was probablly they were the leisure noble with enough hours to play that they someimes speaked thier inner happiness and mental minority. The scholars and students with the enough hours and moneies was suitable to fit for the condition and it might to be saied the layer playmate for fun. It was certainly the sons of noble layers. The changing was a histrical epoch, it was certain matter the new generation standed to the real society on the far east and the occidenatal. Though it might be a narrow sighted saying, 'The indulged campas's new technology, It re-arrenged a new world by those poisonous and sweet technology.' In the reason, it had some egoism tendencied technology. The noble layer had a problem without the labour meanig. The laber-sprits has a pair with real demand for healthy economy. In the past mealthy period, the many works existed including the sub cultured and not understood well for the contents on the heat money game age, without real demanded hard work at all. The survise inderstry is as the 3rd industry, it is not industry in the exactly meaning. (In more exactly narrow meaning, the factry industry as 2nd it, it is also survice industry. The production from factry as the device, it acts on some function. The function is really a survice for the customer. If anyone not demand for concreate demand, those are nouse and donot be salled. The factriried devices are not meal. The over ded stock of the store are nouse are not profit for producers and store masters. This was 20th cencury's serious recession and it became the origin for WW2.) The meaning of survice industry. The source of the word of survise from 'surf' clearly. In the old age, in the narrow meanng of surf, they were not many poplation because some hosts only had them. In this meaning, the ancient service industry also were very small bigth. On the experience of good wealth economy, Clearly the 3rd industry :survice one needs some good economy, But those heated economy dose not have a long time for a national period. In many case, the survice industry has some tnedency as the lazy or idol needs. Therefore, clearly the 3rd industry :survice one needs some good economy, but those heated economy dose not have a long time for one national period. it is because it is on many time 2nd industry: export of factry production, but many people and nation study for the industrial inovation for each their wealthy, and the factry industrial zone and companies honer always travel from old country and to new to quest for low costs and deligence. In same saying, because the 3rd industry is only belong to 2nd one as a son, The survice industry's peak as the entertainment has only narrow time. If anyone thinks to take to think to mix compleatly all industries on the world wide without the defference the race and country, he will be noticed that the survice industry's rate is a so small as the lazy one or idol at least. The entertainment orders to bear the income poor and art study hard for the long time. It is not industry yet to get any money. The enthusiasm is same for the entartaiment's position. If anyones ignore this real, it is usually that they think to take a unsuitable way for the ethics only for their infancy narrow meaning profitable. Sometimes, the ethics is also economy. Many holy books fixes the only one side's profit is not even, and it is not good matter. In many cases, one side profitable matter is also paracite's one. The swindling is near to fraud. The good economy is each side's re-growth producing. And blindness for the evenness, it is paralysis. Almost paracite no have any enough sence's organ, because of no reason to feel any painness on the any concernings. If anyone want to sall the survice to no- existences of real demand, he had to lead the customer's lazyness and only had to sall forcely the opium for the pleasure. Well, demand creation always has a meaning of opium war. Saying the more concreate economical words, It is the surply the time to play and some money for lax, with paying more over-money than the real lobbers through the speculative financial method. In the past japan, they say,'The bubble period not any remained as the heritage.' I felt that the reason those age's heat was only the festival and was not the real demand industry. In the narrow meaing, they say thet the bubble age was started from a event of the Plaza's consensus, and some huge money came as a flood from whole worlds, But I felt a bit of deffernce of it for the people's fit feeling, It is a over-profit than the last age's lober level, it is real sence's bubble reality. The profit increacing over than the real life needs, those feniomina will get to take a new bisiness for the entertainment or (lazy) conviniencess. Well, the entartainment and conviniences indurstry is really bubble aged survice industry. In this meaning, the bubble minded' wealthy was started aboutly 1955 of Ikeda cabinets' the policy of 'the 2 times of profitable as the income'. The double times policy was a quontitive one and not the quority's one. The number was able to fit to the economy's sense well, I felt it was so symbolic one. * It is also clear one for now 21th century, Those are same the existence of mankind, All nations have the ability to study and development, and on the reality, some nation realised the industrial inovation. In this mean, the most irony is the next, 'The reason of the japan's welthy, it is that we are the naturally excellent race.' Well, it is not truth at least. Many races are able to have efortable attitude. Generally, the factory industry is not continued forever, The entertainmant survice to be surpoted only by those exportable profit has same condetional fortune. Therefore, 'Don't say a stupid fantasy, Makes yourself to study sincerely and work for the people.' I felt some shame on the Akihabara's childish colorful illusion. * The cowardice entarteinment wishes that the criants are to be foolish because they drill bad-planning in their easyness to no real demand with next saying, 'Targets are foolish child and girls.' The short termed profitable aims that more profit is than the costs, The low costs way has also a method using the dead-factry stock or using a sumilar item with low costs to new development. It needs a fraud way. Those almost methods using to paint vivid color and shined periticle. In this meaning's advertising is to blined for the good sences to buy. The advertising for industrial material and medias likes to make series items to sall. The 2nd continued is almostly 1st stage's one's copying. Especially on the serious constructional depression, Because the many companies are serious to survive, they take to use the not sincerely way of the thin fraud to sall items or survice not demanded at all. It is a kind of the war certainly. The defeat for the silent economical war is that anyone no has with alarming sence as the defence to the planned temptation for the lazy convinience and opium- entertainment. The lose has a condition, *loose life *no remain any money. The opium and alchol are is sure kind's matters. The life and custumers action is always a private wars. Off cource this wars have two faces, *to buttle to outer merchandice fraud. *the inner werakness for the temptation. * I can write firstly my program meaning until to write those complex matters. The account books for expance is a method to watch those life with the wide meaning. The two function are, *to avoid double to buy *subjective control life and managemant In effectively, those two is same things each by each. To avoid double booking to buy is also to be salled forcely for same kind of bear- dolls, The sence to understand the defeerence is a kind of dandyism. The scientists say the brain frontal lobe has a house for conciousness, that is hard trained by the life's concentrational tention. The sense of the sophisticated policy is able to be said as the result of the long histry with subjective to live. The philosophy-construction is a discribing a map for voyage for the long life with daily exparienes. Not only it is, Using out to eat fresh vegitable well without melting to the green water is also to avoid to buy again to visit the super marcket, This 'vegitable control' is 'to avoid double' matter too. The control vegitable threads are able to express on the refrigerator's door by the water-ink magic pen. This chart are really as the management. The management controll needs for concentrational power, it is same meaning of bitter bearing. The tarot cards' temperance's figure of two cups shows this action needs the power to concentrational too. In this mening, the controll and concentration are same, especially in our brain frontal lobe. One of alcoholic intoxicated or the opium user expected by easy bad saller, they have no the custom having those concentration, they cannot to make that those temparance is growed. The lazy people cannnot almostly become to be a 'human' easily. The common normal citizen cannot believe it. But bad life is sure. The real of slum town is not the wealthy one, in this reason, the wealty towns' member of assembly might not be selected to vote in those slum town, because those reals are very deffer. In the one's life, and economical people layers too, Once after fixed the poorness of spritual, this condistion are re-production again and again as the circuit. Sometimes this become to the origin of the servile feudalism and separated layers with poorness. * This concentrational custom is a able to be fixed firstly through the custom to record as the diary or a amount book to expence. In this mening, the amount book is same for the kind of the being the diary. In the past days, one poet said, 'Certainly to records, than any imaginary memories.' I cannot know the detail meaning for this sentencies for the his real discribing for any purpose. At least, we invented the letters for language, we can also pass some the heritage for the future age not only DNA gene information as the defference to the other animals. The bitter experiences are is really love for the new age. The real cuture is sure. The difference of the culture and fassion, it is only remainable or not because message with the precious experience as the love is. The bad fassion was forgetted compleatly for the reason that it has any values. The cheep copying and opium-salling to the customer's corruption is not wellcomed as the precious. * In a past time, one introduced for the occidental people then asked that the japanese rase's beauty traditiona sprits, 'Bushido' written by I.Nitobe. Bushido meaning is the soldier's mental way. In the human histry, the violence is always the final reality. In a japanese proverve, 'No needs the police(or army) if 'I'm sorry' is universal apology for all serious.' The reality saying in the blind out words, The fools are always exist wherever to take alltimes serious mistakes usually for the reason of lazy or indulged. The other saying is, 'The real fool cannnot become to more wise absolutely.' I felt as the regret, the foolish likes the being small sly, compleatly not to become more wise. If the serious foolish corruption bears the exploitation and plunder, the method to guard needs the violence way as the regrets. The way is only violence for the compleatly serious foolish. By the way, as the regrets, the wars have always the complex condition with each justice and so on. We sometimes forget that our life is a matter always with the battle or racing. The war is not meaning only the army's one at all. The study race and company inovational battle are the war too. The metabolism might be the war because the action old part to throw off and build up new cell and protein as a new generation. The healthy action of the body and sociality might be including the idea of the battle and war. Not enough circulations and low body temperature is not health on the medical knowledge. And corruption or rotten of the economy and company are without healthy circulation. I thought the 'Bushido' as the army ship is sure matters. In this mening, the samurai soldiership having the duty to hold the good social rules as a good bureau too. In the soldeir ship, the army order is same as the social health. In this meaning, the punishment for corruption bureaus was so heavy than common people's sin. It is a responcibility of the soldiership for the society. In the Edo-period, public money's punishment was death in many times. The next might be a narrow minds. The boy-school(without any girls) has a color as the boy scout. (Someone loving a peace sometimes dislike boy scout. They say that it seem a little army. In the hystrical real of old days japan and turkey, the old style boy scout was really a part of each country-army.) It is same the being to study the way a little social soldier for the normal common sense. I felt over permitted freedom makes to be rotten tendency as lasy. It is concerned with it, I sometimes feel the high education has to be separated by boyes or girls. It is not the gender problem they say, The studying period has not to be permitted any easy romance. If the high school is maneged by public tax, it is more serious. If any young scholor wants over to play, they have to ride off from the study stage. The bad advertising planning loves the fool boys. They speaks a easy cheep love songs, but un-usible young workers are only on the stage of a most low payment, they cannot carry out the home and feed their children. Sometimes those children to be throwed off to the street. In many cases, the existence of entertainment is no responcibility. Those bunkrupt evil temptation is not a industry at all. It might be a typical moral words, The healthy society requires that the citizen are a good work-tools. In the plane industry meaning, The 2nd and 3rd industry have to be sure matters. It is certain that the works is a little of hard or complex of the reason to move the soceity as the circulation. It is only a bad boy discontent of wishness to choose a jobs only in reason of lazy or idol. Sometimes the indulged says themselves are only the artist. They sall no-demanded and the opium for easiness, with saying, 'New Industry, and New Demand Creation.' Not for those bad ethics, probablly only to fix ourselves as a good being a good tools for the people. Miyama kazutomi. 2019/july on the Ginza of Tokyo,Japan ----------------------------------------