===================================================== Kit to execute for TXT data NickName:MoltCandy21 (Enzymelimited21 Ver.1.023) CopyRight:Miyama Kaztomi/Kazuki Kimijima. (1999). ===================================================== Firstly. This Program is a Functional-Kit as "resolving Enzyme" to TXT files", for using as "COPY command" of MS-DOS's Anti Function. It will resolve mather TXT file just before Inputted KEYWORD step by step. It is able to desolve a file also to reserch devided keyword before and front of "\n:return" code. NickeName's meaning is "amilase for amilose". Option;Translating function KEYWORD1 to KEYWORD2. 1) Ablity Right to Permitting to using 2) Method to re-fleezing of archive and including f- ile list. 3) Way to using for each purposes.(in cluding for 95 (Win98)/NT. 4) Function Topics for each files. 5) Attention for using. 6) Application . 7) No-responsibility. 8) Talking as an apendex. 9) Books for thanks(ALL JPN edition). 10) Mail address and URL. ==================================================== 1) Ability Right to Permitting to use. The Programs are always Authered matter with COPY RI GHT:(C)Miyama Kaztomi & Kazuki Kimijima. Noone is unable to use without paying value as using this program. Methodes to Pay value for user right. 1-1) Students,Public reserch organization and all sc- hool(including each office work of school.) and NGO w- ithout violentic moving and anti-social action, they a re can use without duty to pay value ,drectly. But those not be PDS, and this cases' people having d uty to make "Social Public Resorces". Please do Volant eer and effort to Social Advance in each goodness. (In anytime, any occation. ) 1-2)Noone is to use those without paying for any prof it. Rate:980yen or 8us$ /Per one Longtime operater to use. Through BANK, Tokyo-Mitsubishi BANK blanch store as "IKEBUKURO-HIGASHI-GUTI"(mean,Pondsful swamp villeg e,Stational EAST side.)" (FUTSU(:Normal)) No:0877928 name,Kazuki Kimijima. No-Protect system in those programs,and I believe a a blity for people social goodness. I wish people as use r accept those ideal. (transplanting for another Program and Authered Right.) In base, I donnot permit the Source Codes to transplant for anymatteres. But next cases are able to be perimitted. * good understanding to analyse to those source codes, and one can to entire another Program Codes. well,STYLE have a right off cource, but IDEA dose snot right. And please accept the next Guide Lines. 1-3)Not using for Anti social action. 1-4)Clear writting on your document or document-files in anywhere of your archive,as Development from My fi- les and idea. 1-5)Please send a mail or paper to me doing program-d velopment.(able to send after your making action.) ===================================================== 2) Method to re-fleezing of archive and including f- ile list. please new holder ,and move "ez1021.exe." this files canable re-fleezing by oneself(double-click!). ATTENTION!!:in old your any holder, and root(as,for example, "C:/" ABSOLUTLY NOT re-fleez and make files action. Sometimes it BREAKs your Computer System and Important your data files. readmeez.txt For Japanses JPN-readme. readmeus.txt This English readme. ez.exe Fuction to degist to TXT matherfile. ref.exe Repaire Keywords de-vided by "Return CORDS". tr.exe Translate Keyword1 Keyword2. cleanup.exe File Utility to deleate old EZ funct -ion action's resolted. pdos.exe (For DOS)Promoter to call many funct -ion. pwin.bat (For WIN)Same function fo 95/98/NT. pw31.bat (For 3.1)Same function for Win3.1. mkodrfm.exe Making odrform.txt exeodr.exe Execute of odrform's CONTENTs. *.c Every Source CODEs. =================================================== 3) Way to using for each purposes.(in cluding for 95 (Win98)/NT. The Functional Kit has each files by each functions. In base,It is not have idea that User do operate to each functional files. Please use through Promorter exe files(pdos/pwin.exe). 3-1) TXT file Deviding By using KEYWORD markings. (95/98/NT). Please OPEN holder of "ez1021"'s files set, and ple -ase COPY (not only move) your data txt document the "ez1021" holder. Please act on your COPIed TXT for defence mis opera -te. When you try to click the "pwin".exe ,it makes to o -pen "odrform.txt" on Windows's WordPad. It is a kind of INI file ez21 exe-files. Please write for your order to execute your want by writting form. Please Close WordPAD on "save"(Alt+f,select"s"),and click "MSDOS PROMPT" waiting on your ToolBar of wind -ows, push any key, and Execut-process starting. push any key again,MSDOS PROMPT,will close. on DOS process,EZ.EXE make some files "0.txt " to " nnnn.txt" (able to exist to "9999.txt"). ATTENTION!! Only Pure-TXET file, able to execute. Please trans-save to pure TXTstyle on "Word(for exa- mple)" from your Binary data document. and ,Unable to use "longfilename(VFAT)" of 95/98/NT. Please,trans to short.name, ex:"abcdefgh.txt". 3-2) function to translate KEYWORDS.(95/98/NT). Devided Keyword by return code as 2line, it canable to recognize to translate. Process as operate is sure kind as EZ process. Output Filename, simplly,"output.txt". 3-3)Way to using on DOS. Making directry of this "ez21" kit, and re-fleezing archive ("ez1021"typed and + returnkey),and your ma- ther TXT copy this directry. On, command line(ex: c:/ez21/> ), (Deviding Execute.); pdos EZ filename.txt keyword(return). (Translating Execute.); pdos TR filename.txt keyword1 keyword2(return). (filename.txt:matherfilename,example.) ,please type. ============================================== 4) Function Topics for each files. ez.exe :pure simple function of TXT digesttion. (enzyme limitted.) Usage: ez filename.txt keyword(return). This program copy mather file as fragments dis- -tinguished by keyword place. But, if one keyword devided by return code as 2 line, it cannot recognaize as one keyword. if you want to make execute, please usethrough Promoter exe file(pdos/win.exe). For your Data safe, please once your original fi le copy "ez21" kit holder, and execute. For Example,on mather txt file,if 15 keywords t o be ordered was included(in case no more the ke -yword than 1 word on one line.),output texts ar e 15+1 ,=16 text files desolved as fragments. For example,:ez readme.txt keyword(return). inputted to command line, if only "keyword" 1 word on each hit line, and 15 "keyword" line, Outputs texts lineup is next. 0.txt 1.txt 2.txt ......... 15.txt Those are result desolved from Text's head. Each "keyword" is on each fragments' first line. on "0.txt", no exist "keyword". it is a small contents to a encount first keywor d. if over 2 "keyword" are on one line,EZ do ignore after 1st "keyword". ref.exe :a function repair keyword devided by re- turn-code.(repair fossil) Usage :ref filename.txt repaired keyword,will insert as new line. output's name, "temp.txt". cleanup.exe :function to remove ez.exe's output-- "nnnn.txt". Usage :cleanup 15(return). (Example). (Example,) from 0.txt and to 15.txt are removed by it. it makes deffend from old output files confusion. tr.exe :Tranlating command they say. Usage :tr filename.txt keyword1 keyword2(return). output's file; "output.txt"; Original file's "keyword1" ,it makes to change it to "keyword2". It is not also recognize one keyword on place of re- turn code. Please use pdos/win.exe too. ==================================================== 5)ATTENTION for using. *unable to eat. please not eat. *no-water proof. not use in deep sea. *no-UV gourd. attention on mid summer outdoor. *if you are on Mars, or Vinus,please use from -50 C until 950 C degree of temparature. ==================================================== 5dush)Real attention. *Please take Backe up for your data-file each by each. *Unable execute on 95/98/NT's longfilename-sy --stem(VFAT). please change your txt file old 11 char. file name system(ex.abcdefgh.txt). ==================================================== 6)Application. Canable to be with coraboration EXCEL(TM) Lo- -tus123(TM). Please save on the"csv-text file style". csv style is pure text one, it able to do on my exe files. (each command) filename.csv (keyword) (return). but Unique functional number of each Excel or 123 or seat decorational infomartion,they are not saved. And,generally using, not by common keywords, segment seaquence for charper (*****.....or ====== :example.)using those, example solves one long document to by charpares. But ,Unique Binary file-style of software, t- hey cannot to be executed direct, Please cha- nge pure text-files. 7)No-Reasponcibility. I don't support all troubles using this prog- rams. Please use it by yourselves attention an d responciblity. This program made by Borland TurboC++ver4.0 ( JPN edition.). ============================================= 8)Talking as an Appendex. On this time, I focused Biological idea to real-- ise to concreate of Programs. Mainly,in my idea, Seaquencial files are same as to DNA double herix,or Enzyme's aminoacid seaquen- ce. and Another ideas reading a books of Mr.H.ARAMATA and others, their System -Engineering and Multi-- Media are there from Biological or Natural histori-- cal organic system. But those B and N are basically pure hobbie.Not be Technologie and Directly Engineering. I sometimes think, "hobbie" is a shape of"Science". firstly, "sci-" word from an ancient GREECE,and tho- se mean "recognaization". well, sci is a way to see and know. its attitude is otherhands of industry of hands. if, 20thCentury would be a engineering,in real mean, 20th C is HANDS century. Children Play is a experience to know and thier posi- tions unique each observe thier locationes. In this m- ean, Natural children are all Philosophists and Scien- tists. if Organic system(with silicon) is a kind of very im- portant keyword for future, system's new knowledges an- d expariences are in PLAY not in Engineering and Indus- try to desire clear typical(Industry Demand & Products system.). In this mean, if your countries depennding on Industr -y Comsumering economy system, it has some peril. For example,many times, many people donnot know thier pure demmand and desire from natural base. In spritual, their hearts inprited by TV-comarcial. In this mean th- ire pure clone humanes of example :P.K.Dick's distopia. The deep serious recession,in mentally,it is a dark- side of Industrial-desire-comsumering system. People b-- iological common sences say a crame with silent voices. if avaerage pay slow down for laxuary, we might have to get to graduate those "symple old system". In this mean,Comarcialism they say,"people had been not do dance".(well,"dance" is to do to buy. for pro-- ducts companies.) In short sight,it is a real cause of direct recession. But we might to have to recognize to be for the next first centulles' noble typical elements. In Japan, now Economical Planing cheif of Governmen- tal beurow, :T.Sakaiya said, 21th C will be a new mid- centuries. Now,I think about his saying,I knew is "Dou- raku" being JPN old word. it is meaning in near to "hobbie". "dou"is direct mean is road. bat it has including ab- stract. let me see,, well, road=way,method,=rotate to do=experience=practical=training=art=skill,and natural phenotype. "raku" is directly,"easy". but other,,===natural=native =apper by itself=independence on nature. In japanese MID centuries "EDO-period", is easy and la- zy one in mentally. Good working as hard is a really be- euty point, but Industry hard work had a side of old em- perialism. Earth envilonmrnt has no margin to per mit more over no w of mass-real production of industry. In ancient EDO, lazy but people play without more maney. really EDO is Zero-Sum social. but people have custum to play well as seasonal seremony. a kind of Festa. Edo citi- zen relly love sesonal carnival.:) Only festa is popluar matter, but good playing make a n- ew demand to comsumering. and edo-comsumering deep connect s to art. For people, Art is a kind dive and sound to thi- er native sence as being creature uncounciousness. ShoDou is a very typical on of those mean. well,Edo priod had also many bad problem. but we cannot deny entirely the period matter. Especially, Logical-Industrial system had a wall as dif-- fcult to any progress, therefore, for system-logy, it has to learm from biological matteres. and to append, middle century in many case, it think that "human" is really native creature. For example,a way may be in, distinguish-way ; "envilonmental thinking"and "socialism as bad communism memories". A.Kestrar's idea:"Horon"is near Chinas Tao. "Tao" is same mean "Dou" of before sentences. Good DouRaku is a way and pleasure to play each native biologial sence. Art and Science is a kind of Keyword of 21th C. well, and Festa!!:). ===================================================== 8) Thanks Books.(All JPN edition.) Software series for biginers."C":A.Kawanish./Natsume publishing.Co. TV-Textbooks."Life natural Histry":KeikoNakamura./ NHKpub.co. Origin of Cell.:BaiFuuKan.pub.co. (I got one Resorce management of life system.) Tubline :BaifuuKan.pub.co. (I got one marking idea.) Method to write scientific essey.:Kodansya.pub.co. (readme*.txt.) MultiMedia :Hiroshi Aramata//Jyunichirou Kida/ Toohru Nishigaki:JustSystem.pub.co. (Natural-biography and Multimadeia.) Without well living for enough dinner?:Tanabe Seiko ::Shincho-sya pub.co. Tao:Koudansya.pub.co. (Take it easy.) PC-Yomiuri June-issue1999.yomiurinewspaperpub.co. Do doubt PC Using myth. Kodansya.pub.co. (Togather,H.Iwatani.) (Do it your self on Programing.) Tao of PC. :ASCII pub.co. (challenge sprit for new media.) Essayes of Dr.Torahiko Terada.:T.Terada:Iwanami.pub. (Complex life system and physics.) DOS world you wanna it more.:AI pub.co.(magazine). (DOS and 95/98/NT system for notepad.exe) Trouble Worlds on Programers.:Gijyutu-Hyouron.pub.co. :Shouzaburou Nakamura. (Programers dayly.) I donot take title of comics. ===================================================== 10)Mail Adress and URL:; VYE00525@Nifty.ne.jp http://home.interlink.or.jp/~kimijima/ ===================================================== @