======================================================= Multi Celestrons three-nine Ver1.05 CopyRight :1999 kazuki kimijima /fujiwara kaztomi miyama ======================================================= Firstly. This program is physics and astronomy soft ware for edicational. that was dream for hobbie user in olddays. Program. 1.General view. 2.Not realize function 3.Envilonment for action of machine. 4.Good Enough envilonment 5.Files list 6.Method to operate and parameter char. 7.Operation mc.exe for commandline of DosPrompt. Rights. 1.Copyright(Auther) 2.Copyright(Borland) 3.Re-planting and re-compile 4.No responcibility. 5.Thanks and thanks for books. 6.Talking 7.Mail address and URL. ==Program===== 1.General view. It is not to realise symlation concreate real celestoron,it apperes as a typical experiments. It can 1000 points calculation on 3 AU round pizza spase. each points' place and first speed vector dicided by random dice of PC. And each points have same mass. This is a extention program from Comet3xx.exe(TM) , therefore it has also space-mass many parameters are Comet3xx's solor system numbers. In high-accel fenomina occured, carring correctness for calculational system' idea is from Troi9801/DosV .exe. This Program unique name "MC999" is mean as 1000-1. In Multi-mass calculation, these 1 step is n-1 's small calculational assemble when n -mass points exists. Because "-1", is mean one point itself. Samely, this system most calculational mechanism have 1000 celestron,in this case, "1" points gravity calcul- ation, 1 step=999 small calculation. (But,actually, 30 - 50 points sumilation is suitible for lookinng on personal computers CPU 's speed level practically.) 2.Not realize function. In general mean, it can 3D calculation,but on normal PC, those process is a little heavy. and if one only look to the feeling, those need only demand 2D sumilation enough,I thought. 3.Envilonment for action of machine. NEC(Nihon electoronic Co.)'s 9821//9801 PC,and IBM com- patiable PC. Please execute this program on DOS or DOS prompt of Windows(3.1//95/NT). (:For Japanese only)It draw orbit on Normal VGA mode(640 *480),a old 9801 's EGA:640*400 not enoughly display monitor under side. but I prepare one switch for 9801, please choice on executing. 4.Good Enough envilonment. Sum calculationa-Power, aboutly 1000-2000 MHz 's Pro- cessor. and Flouting point calculation unit be togather more good.(It is on many fp calculations.) Memory :enough=2M. HDD:not-needs. JPN-2bite char. express system.::no-needs it act really on Us mode. It can run on DOS/95 boot floppy system. Practical example machine.(ready-made machine.) Intel/AMD's 300 - 500 MHz CPU Memory 32 - 128 M HDD 4G - 10G aboutly for high end 98/NT workstaional PC. If youcan, in viewing of FP calculation , pure Intel CPU is better more than 3rd party co.s. Cheep CPUs ware tune for simple PC works. (My PC is Cyrix M2 as average 300 MHz handmaded.) I heared that more high speed envilonment of PC, it can realize by Linux-UNIX as multi PCs connected by Network system "behowolf" og Godard Space Center of USA. But I donot know those detail, and I may not take enough time it copy to Linux's GCC, I am sorry that for me this di- rection will be probably long time unkonwn field. 5.files list. This program requires Borland/Imprise Co.'s Graphic Dri- vers(Run time files) on Acitive current directry. Please move all *.BGI files to your Execute directry. files list. readmemc.txt document for Japanese. readmeus.txt document for English. mc.exe it can use dos's command line and be inputted directry some parameters. it is canable to use batch file to parameter input when you want to make many sumilation realize next to next. *.c each-source file(TXT). *.BGI the graphic dirivers of Borland Co. boreadme.txt Copy right document file for graphic dorivers of Borland. update05.txt Version up imformation. 6.Method to operate and parameters character. /Operation Please execute exe-files from command dos prompt or explore or filemaneger. (mccmd canable only from command dos prompt.) Attention!! :if you input so long year to sumilate, sometimes it needs very execute-time sumilation carry out. Almost time,ctrl+c key ,then running will finish. But sometimes action-jam appered, needing to make Dos prompt be closed forcely, pure DOS has to machine reboot. parameters for operation. All is Seven. 1/7Celestrons all number(able to choice from 2 to 1000.) 2/7Mass of Celestron( each C is same mass.Unit 1/? of solor.) 3/7First Speed of Celestron(average. difference calcula- ted by random function.) first speed is each celestron on the time sumilation started. Unit is 1 that the earth around sun speed. 4/7all time to calculation. Unit is years. (Programs small time step is 1/4 days.) over for physical parameter inputting. MC999.exe :you input before parameters then, you hit any key demonstration will start. The exe self-tunes next parameters as inner fixed num- bers. Next paramers is required by sumilation system.(only mc.exe) Mc has the style get parameter from command line direct- ly. 5/7When celestrons odd-near approuch, Miss calculation by small time unit will increace by high gravity. This has switching system correctness by gravity-accel-- ation. this item is a number the switching level parameter. When Parameter is small is more correctly, but sumilat- ion speed is made so low. Commmon number 0.001.(Unit is the earth speed around sun.) 6/7Width(no-input, 5 AstroUnit radius.) from result of executing to try, I add this item. on executing, many celestron run away got cloud of move- ment energy to out side space. Then, stage time passed, celestrons gathered small erea, and difficult to look up,it is not obserb enough. Though paramers increaced many, but I produce the item with bad but need. Suitible number 5 to 100 (Unit AU=the ears's orbit radi- us.) 7/7choice NihinEC's 9801 series machin moniter(EGA). When your monitor 640*400dot ,please input as 98. (But EGA of 9801 probably 486,33M clock. but this speed is sometimes so low for this calculation......) 7.Operation mc.exe for Command line of DOS. mc 3 1000 2 10 0.001 5 98(return) Meanig: 3 Celestrons 1000 mass of sun each same 2 speed unit of the eartsh around sun. 10 years calculation period. 0.001 high gravity-accel check 0.001 unit earth around sun. 98 Use EGA moniter of 9801. it is ablity to use batch of sequence execute. Backside 3 parameter is able to no-choice. but unable put vacant bitween parameters. for example, if you choice 98 parameters, you have to all parameters write. mc 10 300 0.005 500(return) in this case, moniter is 640*480.:VGA. ATTENTION!! (mc999.exe mccmd.exe togather)those style do not ckeck high correctly parameter inputted. In the warst, your system will stop when you input bad number to those. Please do ABSOLUTLY not make those programs run on im- portant operating system or network system. ==Rights===== 1.Copyright (Auther) This program is not PDS. but copy and spreading is free to permited. 2.Copyright(Borland). This program needs the graphics drivers of Borland co. on active directry. Borland have this drivers files ri- ght. Drivers:*.BGI are not permited without liseced users original file needs,and Please donot spread those those *.BGI only those. And I write the borland lisence to "Boreadme.txt". 3.Re-planting and re-compile. Someone can tune this source and make new exe files. (I wish Unix eddision.) If you do it,Please write my URL and Mail address as the mean re-newal those program of mine. 4.No-responsibility. I have no-resoponsiblility to all trouble through the using of this programs. Especially,please use on Important operating system or network. warstly,the system will hung down. 5.Thanks and thaks books. Thanks all people cheer on all every phese. The Solor System:Iwanami books Pub.Co.. TurboC/C++ graphics learning.:Gihoudou Pub.Co. MSDOS FreeSoftTOOLS Basic40 ::ASCII Pub.Co. 6.Talking. Japanese Spreading of PC is a 1st class of world, but I feel social wind of economy is not so bad.Really PC system is efortable system for social goodness? I image many (now)30-39 old years generation that they learned 8-bit machine and Old Basic interpleter and compose thier needs to realize becouse good ready made package is not there,they probablly also feel sure samely aboutly me. Japanese edition,a books "heart and thought and Comput- er"(\1600=12us$) picked up those matter as about human sprits on physical and computers. If you have some interest for it, I think they have to take it and read. they picked up as one topic "Jananese National Universe Mass student select system of computer." Also be symbol, it is that Computers of Universe Inter- ance-examination test checking program had the most big influence to society. For good job when graduate, Very many people rushed to Universe, and those odd phase,univ beurou planed a Great -Mather Machine(Big Brother for lazy teacher.)(well,all- ways BigBrother is there togather with the bad beurou- cracy.) and it made all future of young unique idea extincted resultly. Well, edicational purpose change thinking process to quiz-maze system. Thinking process made cheep as working inderstrial belt -line machine,and playing of child change fake. the De- stopia is Chapprine's ModernTimes. Many high chool in japan, all student learve self think- ing effort and power. Now,their first generation is modern Japanese CORE gen- eration. Now deep recession of japanese, as otherhand, really in- dustrial products flood high over custermers demands, Bot more serious otherside,, Those bad past edicational "injury" made them to vanish thinking power with themselves. They donot understand en- tirely to solve those serious recession rootly, and some- times escape un-thieoretical new religion. Jpanese is a one typical people no having many variat- ion as USA having many race-people. Sometimes people are humble and weak without revolution. In those nation, sometimes powered system or royal fami- ly force heavy rules or tax. JNUMSSC(Japanese national university exam machine student select system) is modern typical one. or Some Oriental Enperial national system have those reasonal origin. Old Russia, Old China and Tokugawa Edo period. Well,in good sight for solving, New playing is a new demands, Challenging sprit is origines for new bisiness and divelopment. I some feels sometimes it when I sometimes some products files to up load to Network, that world of japanese became more selfishness and sly. those two word well,pro- bablly make economy to be more good. Although actual world full tendency of inderstrial pro- ducts,their effort to economy system changing, many people can take some meal and know satisfication. We have to change the idea of money and mass-production of industry. No-infinite world force us to think "public". In this mean,we have to re-think again computer system with public thinking. Also any computer system cannot exist with old industrial age common sence. Computer sys- tem is new aged system and Already those great many pro- duced. The other side already concreat and heavy fact, then , if real world economy does not make itself change, the resulut is bunkruptry. In the edicational, I have a opposite attitude to very early computer edication on primary school. Cheep them has a dangerness to make childish nards. Good edicational is not 1stly tools being. Old beauty tale "Poor and Present"is only old fossil. Modern sprit- lack and prodution-very full. In cheep attitude of teacher and parents, they produce PC into home and school, they should absolutly regard. PC is not entire Good magic,and network is dengerous po- or region on mental. If you: gardian of child can battle entirely to guard your child from bad or bad influence,you have to teach PC your child. well, I think is PC is near to Drink and ciger. Enough concreate fixed your child conciousness as one adult, firstly you can be permitted to teach PC your child. I nostargied my child hood,suitable than PC, scissors or knife insect-reserch handnet or telescope. well,PC is only closed world. In Child hood age,people must study very many open world universe. Now PC world is infant. In other saying samely, they can not get any on PC or Network for your deep thought of your life. Net information is desireable and trifling now stage. If you want to good, you have to go only book store.:) well, I think, Networking is not child right but old aged duty. -----(*) I donot know which Computeres are enemy or our side, but if Computer is a real next generation, Whatever they are direct son or other cousin,the next generation ,the old aged generation's duty to edicate it to be gentle. Without it, Network will become a horible tirrant (as JNUMSSC)or fat dog as lazy. Both of cases, it make our real direct sons generation' s difficulty. I see it is not computer programing or another protocol skill matter. It is attitude and data for looking from PC-organization side. It is not many matter. but it is high aged always battle to thier lazy. In new thinking, It might is some pain always our dayly. In this mean,at least, beaurocrasy have to vanished step by step. ..... 1st:TOKYO murch of 1999. 2nd add:Saitama Pref. May 1999. 7.7.Mail address(Miyama.) URL:http://home.interlink.or.jp/~kimijima/ Mail:VYE00525@nifty.ne.jp =======================================================