===================================================== MultiFunctiones for TXTver1.021 ===================================================== Firstly. This tool's purpose user's good taste TXT file nature. This tool is sere-ware, All useres must to pay maney to my bank without cases of Schalor or School-office work or NGO of not anti-socila action. Please send maney to the bank after-written. 1)Method to install. 2)Able envilonment to use. 3)Method of concreate. 4)Files function List. 5)Attention. 6)Right to use and my bank. 7)Destribution. 8)Thanks Books. 9)My mail address. ===================================================== 1)Method to install. This mt1020.exe is Auto melt file. Please make any-name directry or holder and move it, Then click, ok to it will melt. Please move all readme*.txt to other directorie or holder, When you readed already. 2)Able envilonment to use. Able to use, DOS,Windows3.1//95/NT. 3)Method of concreate. This tool is able on 3.1//95/NT with prompter files. though original function is only for dos-Command line. Dos's using way is after paragraph. Able to operate only mause-click on GUI. Clickable file is only next. gogo.bat Start Butten file. (On Win3.1, start-file is go31.bat) If go*.bat files is no anywhere ,please click pwinus.exe,then auto create. Please type directry for commands, on DOS envilonment. Display function file is godos.bat. (Ex. c:\godos(return) then display each command function.) ==Stream Ordering.=====. gogo.bat/go31.bat start command. | |pwinus.exe call fanction oder form-txt. || |odrform.txt operation table. |odrform.bat active operation-table. newtxtjp.exe Making Todays file. txtasm.exe Making Sum-txt. append.exe Append. addcont.exe ADD contents. sepcont.exe Separation Contents. |contcall.bat Display contents separated. segment.exe Add line number and pages. rmvseg.exe Remove L-P numberes. bak2txt.exe Restore *.bak to TXT. refossil.exe Restore CRLFed keywoed. enzyme.exe Desolve by keyword. numasm.exe Recombine enzymed. cleanup.exe Cleanup enzymed. pickup.exe Pickup keyword line. trans.exe Autotranslation. 3)Method of concreate. When click gogo.bat and returns, Open This menu on NotePad of 95/NT. Tune your command, and remove "REM" and space, please move command to left side. This system make each dos command by the text as operation ini file. Process display on Dos prompt. Prosess change your original txt inputted,or make output.txt as new. If the command change original,then old contents saved as *.bak file. and Please copy nessesarily your Important files to other directrie or Holder before your operation. Contcall.bat is made after Sepcont.exe actioned. (In case of Windows3.1) Auto call editer system is nothing on 3.1 envilonment, cannot automatically open odrform.txt. Please use go31.bat,and on message "Please click.....," then click odrfom.txt and tune to save. Next system of the batch file, it actions when read odrform-txt. 4)Files function list. Function files' list. Make today's file. newtxtjp(return) Making the days name txt file. on append mode. It doesnot vanish old of just past contents of same day reason of append mode. But please attention PC systeme time tuning or PC inner buttery. Making SUM-TXT txtasm(return) ALL *.txt s in same directrie gather to combine as sumtxt.txt with each filename-tug. It doesnot remove each small old files. If you use once, then better that you move sumtxt.txt to other directries and rename to another name. Or the command as Next operation, same contents re-copy again and again.(nested sumtxt.txt.). Append files. append file1.txt file2.txt it make append file2.txt to file1.txt. ADD contents index to original file. addcont filename.txt It adds contents-index to original-file. If alone contents.txt is there, it get it and put the original file inputted. Please attention to remove contents.txt of your no- needs. Separation Contens-index. sepcont filename.txt It separate Contents-index and main sentences. If file inputted does not have any contents-index, it is no-action. and Because it has guard from reading miss operation, the '~~contents~~~~~.....'line has to be left side of first line. Attention, if alone-contents.txt be, it overwrites contents this new operation. Display alone-Contents index. contcall(return/click.):batch file. When sepcont.exe ended with out missoprating, it is made. It is unable not on 95//NT. When you click it, current contents.txt and main file sentences. If you use Wordpad.exe, please not use "rich txt style". ADD line and Page numbers. segment filename.txt linenumber (keyword) It write line number and page number to your file. :linenumber /linenumber of each page, :keyword is Charper paging maker-key. If you choice keyword option, it pages as new on keyword-line place. This paging function only to edit location not to paper- print. Removing l-p numberes. rmvseg filename.txt. It is anti-function segment.exe. Vacant zone made by charper-keyword,it can remove it too. Restore backup-file. bak2txt filename.bak it makes to rename *.bak(filename,inputted), to output.txt. Just before output.txt's contents will vanished. Repaire CRLFed keyword for keyword serch of editer. refossil filename.txt keyword. It is helper serch menu of many editor. It is offspring of ref.exe of ez1023.exe. It repaires the CRLFed keyword. But cannot make hit word by Paging or indent-space. Desolving by keyword. enzyme filname.txt keyword. It desolve on place of keyword.It is also offspring of ez1023. but it can hit many same keyword on sameline. and it can hit CRLFed keyword. Output is 0-9999.txt. And it does not change inputted file. Recombine of enzymed. numasm filenumber It combines many number-named files of enzyme.exe. If inputting '7', then it 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.txt combine to output.txt. Cleanup trush-number txt from ezyme. cleanup filesnumber It sweep numberfile fromenzyme. Ex, '5', cleanup 0-5.txt. pickup keywordline. pickup filename.txt keyword It writes up lines include keywords to output.txt. It can hit also CRLFed keyword. and write line number, but becouse of repaired-CRLFed keyword, it is not Just correct number. Automaticallytranslation. trans filename.txt keyword1 keyword2 It translates keyword1 to keyword2. It can also hit CRLFed keyword. 5)Attention. Each command recognizes contents difference used some marker. Contents-Index end.G~~~~~.....childer sequence. Paging marker.G_____.....under-bares. Please donot use those canable to do. 6)Noresponciblity. I have no responcibility of all trouble to use for anyone. PLEASE take buckup for your Important files before operation. And please donot install this tools to the Important workstation or server of your job. 7)Right to use and my bank. I have this tool's CopyRight. Nobody cannot use it with out next cases. 1)Free use permitted. Schalor, reserch or school job for social purpose (including school office work.) and NGO without anti-social purpose can use it Free. 2)Able to use with fixed fee. Other cases of before, and purpose to use for job work for profit, one has to send 980 yen or 8us$ to my bank. Bank: JPN Tokyo-Mitsubishi Bank. Ikebukuro Higashiguchi Branch. Normal:0877927. Kazuki Kimijima. 7)Distribution. Distribution free. 8)Thanks books. Natsume Pub.co. Asao Kawanishi:C language. (SoftWere language series. for biginners.) NHK-Pub.co. Biology Graphics.(Magazine.) (TV-Text.:Human College Channels,:Magazine.) 9)My mail address.. URL home.interlnk.co.jp/~kimijima Mail VYE00525@nifty.ne.jp ==========================================================