======================================== Easy Style Astro 3D Viewer Star Bowl Ver0.04 CopyRight Miyama. 2009February-2010Septemver http://kimijima.at.infoseek.co.jp kaz_kimijima@yahoo.co.jp ======================================== Guide of this ReadMe A * The Guide for using the tool. B * Some knowledges and tryings for desine of this tool with tiny thought and essey. ======================================== A Charpers:The Guide for using the tool. ======================================== 1 OutLine 2 Permission Right to Use 3 No Responcibility to Use for authour 4 Canable Machine to Use 5 Install 6 Operation Methods 7 Reference for Astro Data File Style 8 Books ======================================== 1 OutLine This Program is to view location concerning of each fix-star on 3D vertual space using the tab delimitor text or csv text data. The stars composition moving is able to by sliding and rolling around XYZ pole on the vertual space. The archive has bright stars simple data 1000 light years space-cube having our sun as this space cetral point (about 150 stars). It might be enough the package-date only to view this tools' using atomosphere as PC accesary. But also else more complex star or galaxcies data made by user can be acted on this tool. Data Style of data file is written on the after charper. 2 Permission Right to Use It is a On line SoftWare and PDS Public Domain Software.But Japanese Law system guards its right to author.It is near book-author right. I included those Program Source Codes. Using and spreading to another one are perimitted on normal using purposes. The right re-editting to this source,it is sure all right by anybody, But please write thing that those program original is this program on those document. It is no need to tell me making new program as the permittion. And I donot know any delicate error on those complex program at all,Please take Self-Responcibility for re-editting to development. And I donot permit to use bad or criminal purpose of each part of it. 3 No Responciblity to Use for authour I donot have any responcibility of all unconvinience and unprofits through using this tool. 4 Canable Machine to Use The tool for Windows-PC over Win95/98 version. It needs the VisualBasic6.0 Library DLL,In many cases as about over XP machine,Almost PCs have already included those DLLs.My Executefile is canable to act on those environment only with one click. If it is not, In those cases of so old PC or Dell or HP pure install only windows without any applications for office or else, then it might have nessessary to install the VB6 DLL, but in the bit case of it,those instll sometimes makes arise dll confliction. A few application soft will not be able to act in those fenomina. Please do dll-instaration on your self- responcibility. 5 Installation This Program can act in any folder on any drive. SB004.ZIP This Archive is zip style. Please open by any archiver. StarBowl.EXE ExecuteFile ReadmeSJ.TXT Japanese Ver ReadmeSE.TXT English Ver This is now readme StarData.TXT DataFile for main bright star.On melted time,it is Jp edition Stella.TXT StellaGuide data,Jp edition in first too. StarData.XLS StarData original file MakeJDat.BAT The batch to change data file to Jpn expression MakeEDat.BAT to Eng expression samely. PreJStar.TXT PreJStel.TXT PreEStar.TXT PreEStel.TXT Source Data for each Expression changing batch Essencial Files are StarBowl.EXE and StarData.TXT/CSV only. Please click the EXE on any folder with stardata.txt. MakeEDat.BAT MakeJDat.BAT On the melted the archive, data expression mode is Jpn mode. The request to expression English only then,please click MakeEDat.BAT.to return to Japanese mode by using MakeJDat.BAT. StarBowl.VBP MainCalc.FRM IndiSt.FRM They are the execute file's source,Frm file is text,it can be opened by notepad. 6 Operational Methods On cliking this EXE, then,tow forms will be appeared. Once it recognizes stardata.TXT or CSV existence,it makes stars and guide lines are to display as by those contents. The program shows the next two forms Form 1=== Form for star 3D composition-MoveBtn and Star Text Data Expression =========================================__[]X Parallel Move Step/Auto/PoleRolling Step/Auto/ Pole is Y --------------------------------- - direction | *Slide moving Around Y pole - direction :example + direction | Pole is Y | - direction | Buttons Zone + direction | | Slide step tune scroll bar Roll angle step tune scroll bar Auto timer interval bar Pole is Z - direction + direction Pole is X - direction + direction Auto moving Stop button ExitBtn/ResetBtn with now draw mode PullDown Menu for other data files Check Box to change TXT CSV extention of the datafile ============================================== Form1: On random mouse pointing on the star 3D display map, then this form is changed to display text data expression of the star automatically. On clicking the text data window,the form is returned to the first button operational form style. Form2=== Form to 3D display and mouse operation =========================================__[]X 3D Compositon Display Window Buttons E Exit x Reset on Euator Mode P Reset on Galaxy Mode a Mouse Mode Rolling n Slide d Slide to Click Direction Display Earth-Guide Point Direction b Display Stella Guide a Display Equator Longitude point 24 devided r Display Galaxy Longitude point 24 devided Tune FixStar ExpressRing ======================================== * Functions for two forms This program have two forms. Small form:Form2 for button operation and text data display. Big form:Form1 for 3D star display and mouse direct-operation. Form2:small form= The form is firstly button operation to move star composition on 3D display window, the form has Two active layer, the 2nd Layer has 2nd function it is to display those star text data/name on this 2nd layer.Those two layer condition are changed automatically and by mouse. * Any star on the 3D composition pointed by mouse, 2nd layer get active,changing to dispaly-text data. * On clicking this text data window then it is vanised and return button mode- form. * About The 2nd Imformation layer of stardata of this form On star composition form,when the mouse points at any star,then those star data will be display on Imformation text layer from StarData file. Then, Text windows' back color will be color as those star light spactol type. And back color will be gray as vacant color data when one star has not any value on the star data files' dataline. color data. * Parallel-Sliding and Rolling movement operational buttons Those are for Parallel-Sliding and Rolling movement around each XYZ poles. Those buttons are 24 pieces,with multiply XYZpoles-kinds 3 Rolling and Sliding -kinds 2 and Plus or Minus Direction 2 and more By OneStep or Auto 2 3*2*2*2=24. The buttons operate to the oppsite form 's display 3D-window, and Display windows nature on the first time loaded is the next: * Center of display is the Earth, * Right direction is X pole as Aries direction. * Upper is Z pole,the Equator Sky Spheire North Pole, *Display Center-Depth direction is Y pole + direction as Longitude Equator of the 06 Hour as compass. Auto buttons have a endless function of the just left each button's one . The endless action is interrupted by the stop button under those buttons block position. it has a call-key Alt+S :Stop. The Three scroll bars are able to tune those next parametors * slide step :Light Year * rolling angle step :Degree by 360 * auto endless action interval length :Second The direct input is not able to the express tuned these parameters cells. * Reset and Exit button The reset button on this form it re- loads and re-displays new star composition by now slected datafile with now display mode. It is differ than 3D form's reset button,3D form's two reset have togather a mode changing-function between the Equator and Galaxy longitude view mode. The reset function of the both form makes samely that stardata re-loading and star composition making to reflesh on directed view mode. Exit Button makes two form unload and making to finish. * The Pull down menu for ohter data text file and the CheckBox to change CSV/TXT Extention mode. The pulldown menu showes data text file list on the same folder of Exe-file existence. On the whole program renewaled on ver 0.04, It become that it can read CSV file. The CSV file with cumma delimitor is able to be made by Excel directly. On clicking the CSV Read Check box,pull down menu file list is chnged on the mode TXT or CSV file extention. The program can read data file of two kinds 1st is tab-delimitted text,and 2nd is CSV by cumma-delimitted text.The CSV is the extention is not TXT but it is text file is not binary. The CSV can be opened by direct drag to notepad as one text file. On clicking the any data file on the pull down list,then immediately those data is readed and system displayes those data as the star-composition through calculuration. It is not needed any operation method on reading CSV List file. The System donot distinguish the difference between TXT and CSV directly. Then, tools display mode is not changed by those operation. If User want to display on this tool his made data,Please put those data on those to the same folder with Execute file. Text data style is discribed on the after charpar. Form1:Big Form= The big form controlles 3D display and Mouse-clicked Moving operation on the display picture. And on this form, when mouse points any star on this form, then the form makes to express this stars names and other imformation to the small forms text window. * Exspread scroll bar it makes star composition wide or small on this zoom function. * Buttons This form has all 12 buttons, and many those are almostly only to chage 3D-star display mode. The buttons are changed those caption letters between Big or Small as those mode activity by operational clicking. =1-3 Exit and Reset button= 1 Exit Button : It makes to close this program. 2 Reset on Equator Longitude mode:it makes now datafile pointed be re-loaded and display star composition be reflesh on Equ Mode. 3 Reset on Galaxy Longitude mode :the reload action on Galaxy mode. =4-6 is mouse mode tuning button= This4-6function is datail-tuning on the mouse mode especially, the slide and center function mode is tuned as that the mouse drag action is able to be same to 3D Star-Expression. 4 Mouse Rolling mode:recognizing mouse drag for around XYZ pole rolling action 5 Mouse Sliding Mode :For Around XYZ pole paralell sliding 6 Mouse Moving to Center Mode It makes the point of the position mouse-clicked move to the display pictuyre's center direction. =7-11 is Guide Line Display mode Button = 7 Star leg-pillow guide line draw :grey color 8 Earth Center point line draw 9 Stella almost-location guide :grey 10 Equator cross-bar ring position display:orange 11 Galaxy cross-bar ring position display:water blue =else = 12 is star ring bigth tune * Guide line mode buttons Those mode by controlled the guide buttons for display cross bar as guide point and some guide line. The any kinds of the guide lines are next kinds. /leg pillow guides/ It is fix stars 3Dlocations guide lines are composed by two parts, one the distance from Equ or Glx Plane, two the length from center earth point in the Equ or Glx plane.:gray. /Equ or Glx guide points/ Euator and Galaxy longitude points functions are deep included native system as those nature and parameters, becouse of it, it cannot be changed by user from outside. This mode-function has four distance of kinds 10 ,100,1000 and 10000 light years from the our earth. Earth center direction guide for user pointing location demanded on the user data files, /Direction GideLine from The center/ It is able to write as the guide line on the user data file. This guide line are drawed as the direction for the picture center firstly as the earth direection with the own clorr bars. The included data fule StarData.txt in the archive has the next five data: Aries Direction Equator North point Galaxies Center Direction Galaxies North Point The solor system running direction This function mode needs this mode is active condition and and the letters "guide" discribed on the user data file comment cell position. /Stella/ For stella guide display,it needs the datafile Stella.TXT included on the archive made by the authour on same folder of exe program file. ------------------------------------------------ The form is able to be wide or shrink. * Both forms are able to those size changing. After changing each form width or height by mouse,Please click star picture or gray extended zone, Buttons and other component will be re-positioned as the new location. * Refferences for star data Letter to distinguish the deffernces of spectol color of star. Large and small letter ,both are able to be recognized. If fault to recognizing arise, then display color will be grey. O to Purple O is not zero// B Blue A White F Light Yellow G Yellow K Orange M Red For display star claster or nebula, please set letter:N, N Water Blue N is Inicial of Nebula. About discribing guide Center Direction line on data file made by user . Earth Direction Center guide cross bar can be discribed into the user datafile. Please discribe "guide" to the comment- cell on data-line, It makes lines data not as normal star but as crossbar with center directional line. Line coror is able to be choese same kind star spectol color code for example, K type show orange colored line. * About data style on the user file Please donot edit the user cerestron data file on the booking name the StarData.TXT. This name file is sometimes overwritten by Jpanese/English Expressional changing batch files. * On renewal to 0.04 version, it become it is able to read the CSV style text data with cumma delimitation. Using this file type,data-editing is able to more easy by using Excel. The new function uses the way to exchange forcely the cumma delimitor to the tab code,then it throw to old display function inner of this tool. The program system always search the primary reading data file existences. The primary file are StarData.TXT/CSV. If the existence of the each of the both,Tool reads it, The pull down menu file list extention kinds is influence by readed data file kind. If StarData.TXT was there, the menu changed the style become to TXT extention list,and Only being StarData.CSV, then mode changed to CSV type list. This Changing occured each by any differ user data file reading by those each extention. If the both of StarData.TXT and CSV is togather notherein the program loaded first time, the program makes self- finish after message of primary datafile not existence because the program will be unstable. Other datafile reading, it is able to do only clicking purpose-filename on the pull down menu. * Practical method to meke CSV style data on Excel It is a simple way for making CSV text data from any cerestron data stake.It is only to choesing the item /Save as CSV/ on the Excel save menu. But one attention points are there. On simple mistake of the Excel opereation,many cumma simplly running away are sometimes appered on cells vacant white zone. It is direction to right or down direction, the reason of it that is spot islands of any charactors by mis key stroke on the far white zone. The star program is hard for having no meanig lines data,but it is not good of this fenomina.It gives any wieght for the PC memories. Then I suppose it is better that user file sometimes open and checked.It is able to do by drag moving the CSV file icon to notepad, CSV donot have txt extention ,but it is a kind of text file then,it is able to be openned on the notepad. * Making TAB delimitered Text from the Excel. Tab delimitor data text is able to be made by using the way to peast to text editor through copying from excel. Then copying process makes automatically add tabcode as delimitor to those data. And the charactor quaortation " and ' is not suit for program to recognize text data,if data file has this charactors, please remove it by text editor's remove function. And vacant data line or the line not having correct style data-constructure, both donot makes arise data-error on logic in many time,But un-meaning cerestron data will be made on data memory space. * Line comment out To the purpose to ignore one line on data file, Please write one charactor $ to object line. The ignore charactor $ is able to be recognized those meaning on the any position of the target line,but I suppose that it is easy to see simple on the left edge of the line. But in the special case star name has $ charactor name, those line will be ignorered too. The $ makes to order read-skip to the program,and the $-includeed line donot make any memory space data class,but when the tool readed a vacant line or crush data line ,it makes a star data on pc memory resource. If those miss- data is appeared on 3D form or Text Data Expession, they has no name and star ring and text windows back color is deep grey.Grey Means No data with color data position. This program's reads cell data of line from data text file,and eats from left side to right direction. It reads data item one by one, then If the line has so many items as mistake from data making, this program throws out the over number item when it feeded as full items of 14 kinds blocks. In other side, only so small number of items on data line, the program puts vacant data to inner remain data item area,as 0 to number item ,No Charactor data to Chartors Strings Data Item. * Practical Format for star data is next. This upper-item is left side's one on editor surfaces or excel. Excel's Colunm No item is 14 A 1 Head comment space: program ignores it. B 2 Greek Letter or Number as star name C 3 Stella Name D 4 Unique Star Name1 E 5 Unique Star Name2 F 6 Equator longitude Hour G 7 Eq. longitude Minitue H 8 Eq. latitude Degree I 9 Eq. latitude Second J 10 Bright Grade Class on the night sky K 11 Spectol Type Color Charactor O-M Large or Small letter permitted L 12 Spectol Type Small Number-Part M 13 Distance from the earth:Light Year N 14 Last Comment Space : program ignores it/guide line imformation area Essencial items are F-I and M for 3D display. If item 13 = M distance has only value 0,program recognizes it is there on the same position of the earth.In this case,the earth expression has a priority on the display,those error data is ignorered by the program on the display data- text, And display priority is also appeared. If two or over number lines data are on the same datafile with compleatly the next three data ,the Distance,Longitude and Latitude,then the system had priority to more after lines data. Then, upper lines data and star is ignored. On the real absolute brightness calcuration from distance and observational bright grade on the night sky,This calcuration has a risk zero- dividing infinite over flow. In this function, if user error is there on the distance item written as 0,the program makes to avoid this zero-risk by using to put the distance unit as 10 persec automatically. This Logic style is only the absolute bright ness unit. The 3D space distance element is calcurated as that distance is zero from as the earth on this same case. *This program made from VisualBasic 6.0 8 books Publishers Science Data Catalogue :Maruzen Astronormy Atlas :Seibundoushinkou sya dtv atlas zur astronomie :Heibonsya ======================================== B Charpers: Some knowledges and trying for design of this tool with tiny thought and essey. ======================================== ======================================== 1 The calcuration The Absolute brightness and Absolute star grade. Written firstly on the 0.01 time, written renewal on the 0.04. 2 The calcuration the roundness of the region of significant Places. 3 The calcuration of the 3D rolling translation. 4 The 3D rolling calcuration by mouse method.written on the times Ver0.02 5 Control methods array on data reading. 6 Tiny tools of mine 7 About the calcuration for the perthpective view. written on the time :Ver0.04 8 Appendex written:vital and code complexicilities ======================================== 1 The real star brightnes and absolute star grade of the fix stars. ======================================== 'The question to calcuration that absolute star birightness and absolute grade from the star-distance fromthe earth, from the brightness grade of the star catalogue.' /a/ Outline Expression /b/ Expression About Absolute Brightness and Absolute Star Grade on 10 persec = 32.616 light year dome b dush -little appendex--- --Mathmatical Solution--- /c/ Absolute brightness calcuration from distance and star grade on the night sky /d/ Using 10 persec unit not LightYear /e/ Brightnes calcuration from star grade on the night sky or catalogue /f/ /c//d/ + /e/ AbsoluteBrightness on 10 persec dome /g/ Final Equation to use for this program ---Post Script:--- BrightGrade from Brightness(Absolute) /h/ Absolute BrightGrade Equation /i/ More Popular Equation ---------------------------------------- /a/ Thema and Outline to think. It is clear that far star is dark and near star is bright when those two star have same real brightness. In ohter hand,another pair of two stars, those have also same distance from the our earth, We can suppose that the more bright star than another is bright on the real brightness. This concerning is also able to realize as a mathmatical equation for them from a tiny red dowarf to the big blue giant. I try to make a functional equation for PC program to get any star real brightness on the unit of real solar brightness through the calcuratuion from the imformations of the distance from the earth and the brightness on the our night sky. /b/ About the absolute brightness and absolute star grade. On the fixed-star astronomy of star real brightness,the vertual thinking experiment is used for traditional way. This experiment is that thinks the existence a huge star-shell as the imaginay universe constructure.This big universe star shell have huge radius also, the radius is 32.616 light year. 32.616 light year is 10 persec. (I did not know the origin of the word 'persec'but I suppose it is meaning 'per second'.I suppose also second is the 2nd unit from degree as 360,perphaps,by any method to obsevation for star concerning,one length is 3.2616 light year per second degree of 360. -- I knew one knowledge after this sentences,the matter that I supossed it is sure.The angle degree is one for the methods of triangle length counting.The great big triangle has one line of the distance from the earth to this star, and other line the earth and our sun. Because the many fixed star are very far distance, then this angle-degree of this triangle is always a bit.By the way,I had some feeling that those unit the persec,it might be is old unit. this triangle scale method, it is only able to use for near star for our solar. If the fix star exists over one thausand far over, probably the persec method is not able to use.) And the shell has also the our earth and solor system in this center point. On calcuration of the real brightness, the thinking expariment puts all stars on the surface of this universe shell. In another saying,the experiment makes all stars distance change to ten persec =32.616 light years. It makes no-change of the star other parameters. It is makes also no-change those star's equator longitude and latitude's location on the night sky. Then,samely past very far star is putted on the surface,then it becomes to be more bright,and past very near one's brightness is become to shrink through being putted away over through ten persec far distance. On this imaginary condition, this stars have always those same distance,we can ignore distance-element between the concerning of the any parameters of the stars.To think for real brightness is too. On this vertual thinking, the imaginary star brightness is called as the name Absolute brightness. And the star grade was thought from the base of the absolute brightness,it is called absolute star grade. The star grade is a kind of a logarithmic number,but brightness is also the common real number. ---b dash: Out of rales----------------- A appendex please ignore it and skip to the next logical charper. ---------------------------------------- I felt this word 'absolute' as a kind of traditional emotional special sound. It is clear that is true that any absolute matter being is not to exist. Especially the natural science attitude has one to dislike the word having a priority to use the objective view for observatry,Many people know that the image-figure to observe are able to be changed on the view-point deffernce and by using the deffernce observing methodes or right wave-length. Also in our common living. This tendency is sometimes appeared on the bisiness attitude deference or the depth of the experiences and knowledge. I suppose that it is more typical on the abstruct knowledges than clear daily concreate. The Quonta theory and Relativity theory are good matters of the extreme examples. 'Relativity' is a histrical symbol word for the twenty century's first age that was with the caos and freedam. It was also so many war existing sad period. But the asian people had only small number that knew those matter of the Idea of Relativity was a serious matter on the europian traditional thought histry. And I am an asian,I knew those living and social relativity is a clear common sence as the atomosphere. In our old asian living, relativity is not good scientifical methods but it is bitter real. If many ones have same position basically, The importance of our real worlds is the real power. It was phisical real power or good talent well- trained. The money is also a kind of power that it is for those real power surported or to employ methods. On the relativity world,the being of the power is able to give deep influcece. It is a money or gravity,but it is case by case.In japan, the Osaka town is sumilar to the Wall St. they say. The osaka is free town to marchantism or moral but they rely the money in the first.(The middlecentury's Osaka had a function of the wall street.) Although those matter got a thin in now modern, But those matter was a just common sence on the old asia. Especially the past old japan had not any resources but great many people living on the small islands. In old japan, those serious relativity was appeared. the popular image the Samurai had those past real. In those meaning, the Bushi-Do and Zen is not a kind of calm religious one at least. I donot know what the old figure of zen on the old china. But I suppose that Chinese zen and japanese one are differ. At least japanese one of people understands unconciously that might be differ as the traditional chinese roots. It is also a japanese spritual thinks that the calm is important as about any oriental thought, (the japanese zen is sure), but it is one through-over bloodry killing field. In many oriental thought has attitude that a little sadness calm is important, but japanese one's was nearer for the pain. I suppose this reason that well-sometimes people each- cides by over many living. In japan, this conditions from AD 1200 aboutly occured. For example, a vertual imagination, it is near the past soldier that killed many enemies as the role become monks, the image is well near japanese traditional Zen. Though the Genji tale story is only sweet comic royal illusion, The opposite Heike Story is based from the histrycal facts, it talks those political army sadness. I can not understand many alienaens like Genji. In this meaning, the Chinese Tao is near to the being the Corp in the swamp. But Japanese Zen is near on the Traut on the Clear water. Clear is not noutrious water, then swamp corps well grow up in short time, and many chinese eat over- flyed one with happiness. But clear water sometimes has not any food. I sometimes feel the occidental people are so delicate or sencitive than asian same elements. (I know that blondish corcusoid people gene's set with the cold resistance tendency leads those sencitive tendency. those report brain-depth's catecol-amin nerve cells action tunes body heatness and emotional tuning. Both of the togather are tuned by catecol-amin substance. I had image pink-faced white man in a sauna might be delicate. But I donot know those scientifical report is correct or not. If some weak people crowded to any place, those gathering places sometimes has a violence power with the unclonciousness. I suppose that the scene is sumilar to the wall st..) I do not know if it is or not suit to the next saying for religouse many sincerely, but at least the god on the meaning of the Europe might be not to exist in oriental world, and only by the real made the being the image :Samiurai. I had not any interest this word because it is a only clear real from our histry. In the asia,because so many people lived from the old age, many trouble battle from a few thousand years ago ware in everywhere. Prey sometimes was nonsence. When people are killed, almostly people ware killed over compleatly. If any want to understand china, they have to read the china and mogolia's long time histry. I suppose thet It is crel than the Roman one. The asia was a bitter relativity region. I felt those 'absolute' words ,that past periods people had some ideal image for the star universe. I donot know that the past image is correct it,but I supposed it is sure. From 15 th century ,I know the Europe region have many violence war. and many sencitive people was injuried in mentals or real bodis by the social confusion. I thought those sencitive people was included some astronomist. For them, absolute is same mean as the word Ideal. Then,I felt some sadness sound on the word. Any absolute justice or pedegree is a weak position on the front real power. I think the sincere astronomists wished to use the word 'absolute' unconciously. I suppose that they ware also having good style religious attitude. I wish that the universe has to be always huge for our mankind, Some scientists know the universe is very wide and very depth complex. Without partial view,but with whole perspective, we cannot understand the universe compleately. The field for research is infinite too. In old time, some sincere observer felt so far star distance is also huge. Our planning and imaginary power is tiny for any expriment or experience. The Good Objective view make our attitude to a good sincere. ------ The Next matters might be an irony. The far world sometimes is accepted with a image good wishing-illusion. It was near as about Gold paradice the Jipang. It is near for the movie 'a purple rose in cairos 'by woody allen. If the one's world is not good it is more sure. The world of stella,it was understood god and ideal world by us because it is toward so far distance.It is a sulumar to the night sight of urban from looking on the night hill. The night dark does cover the darty and tiny but great many bitters. The reason of the words 'night dark tenderness' is. It is sumilar to the now net. So many shining site and well-spearking oppotimists have some brightness. They are like as urbun neon.but many bitter red dowarfs has many each real too. (Those red dowarfs have many fenominas of the high-shining flush on a very short time. Then Some red dowarfs called flash-star or fleir Star. I suppose those small gravity mass cannot create enough heat-circuratiation or seamless neclear chian reaction as those energy income. Those matter makes also the star phisical unstability, it makes to occur bright flush sometimes. In the very near position of this star, flash is samely exploding strong ray trouble. It is near that one mariaged-pair's troubles from poor or unseamless income. In those environment, many glass and table will be destroy, those environment is not suit for the life development and the child education. In other hand, The O type great blue stars arenear a very big fand without any morals. The Blue reaction is fun and many people play on the blue paradise, but this type company has only short life time, and the Super Nova crasshing is arosed with great many X ray and Radioactivity Recession Substans. The Area Inner the area 50 light year square, All life baked by X ray and remained one have a reccessional sulfer for a longtime. The Bitter matters are on the star world also. ) Shining site are recognised good by us. Though it was so far and anybody did not reach to those. The accessing and probing it makes that the our wishness to 'decrease' on the rate of 1/2 of the cases of this probing with a Rocket Engine as about the Mars Probing. Please do not cly with dirty slungs in the front of your monitor on the midnight in the every times . :) I supose those disapontness become to start the religious wars on the Europa after middle century.Lost wishness sometimes changes to harting emotion.it might be sure tragedy. probablly H G Wels and J Belnue knew well for those matter. Wels's world had always bitter taste. Only the gentlemen are permitted to drink scotch alone on the night urban knowing those matter well. Because of it, the wisky is bitter always. But I suppose that future hopes is always made through those disapont from probing the holy looked world. As about space probing robot project, always sub -discovered knowledge and exprience become the future seed. Experience is important. but it has always bitter pain. Some ladies always like romantic night sight, it is one of the reason that they are so delicate for our experience of social real. Their hapiness's one kind is to guard their delicate from the out-world real . The some ladies love pritty matter becaouse they build their shelter by those no thorn and no byting toothed items,It is a castle for protection, and those attitude is a kind of the plan to survive. Sometimes they donot love pritty one at all. It is more important of the role- playing of the loving prirry. This attitude is a sign to be a delicate weakness, and tell to 'please not hurt me'. But some knew already sometimes woman had crel attitude for example in the past royal traditional histry. Well, in the case that the pritty and beauty way is only a plan to survive and their position, if more well-functional way is to exist, many decide to change to ride those way without any hesitation. I suppose that the male and female are fifty-fifty on the many phases. Those each elements have the different each face, but those elements' set multiplination have same wightness. Many man have guilty for many attitude, but all ladies are not good for 'love-planing' at all. I dislike Genji tale. Those delicateness is not a sincerery at all. It might be a peril fenomina. Over-Self-protection without wisdom become war. The war stands on a same position to the Nationalism. In the hard tention of the edge of the war or battle , The nationalism is same to hold togather those self protection as the membership. They in those condition distinguish the same kin or barbaroy. It is a important on the war time, that is the difference on the soil-line and each people. Only the difference makes the co-self- protection hard, and the justification to battle. The Romio and Juliet. If one thinks oneself is weak or delicate,at least has to having good- lestening or reading as study for covering experience-lack or good friend. But Sometimes it is so difficult than the space rocket. The technology for wisdom is nothing on the typcal style. Though it is really bitter,the attitude to quest the absolute truth as a happiness bascket is weak one. ---------------------------------------- /c/ The calcuration absolute brightness from star brightness on the sky and the distance from the earth. b6 =one star brightness on the night sky in base of 6 grade star brightness. d =distance from the earth. and the nessary to unite distance unit,one unit of distance is made as 10 persec=32.616light year. If distance data is light year unit,then it is needed deviding 32.616. /d/ Using 10 persec unit without LightYear The light stream running and widing to whole directions from center star, this light power is made thin with the rate exspreading light widing shell surface quontity,then the shell surface width rate is radius^2, then the runned light on the root of this radius will be thin at the rate 1/radius^2. Because of it, the light runned the long root as the distance for the our earth is thin the rate 1/distance^2. Samely, Absolute_B6 = B6 * d^2 ------equ.1 and it is clear that far star is more bright if two star have same real brightness also in thos equational law. /e/ The star brightness of the night sky, trying to calcuration from star grade of star catalogue. It is needed the process translating from star grade to star brightness because of the star-brightness parameter expressional style is the star grade logarithmic style on many star catalogues. This concerning between brightness and grade is logarithmic one. The one of this reason using logarithmic style,it is on astronomy mathmatical world, the difference rate between dark star and bright one have almostly so greate huge, our common number is no suit with lack those places on number printing. On traditional practical, the star grade's base is made from the most dark tiny brightness grade able to view for human of our the night sky,and simplly, the brightness of one hundred times of the dark base grade was made 1st priority grade ster. In the stage,the ancient people might do not recognise need of more complex mathmatical method. And after it, taking the 5 grade stage into the star brightness difference, then the base of most dark grade was called as 6th grade. In more after centuries of telescope and photo recording technologies developed, the needs arose this matter with more observational correct attitude, then: *1th grade star has brightness one hundred times of than 6th grade one. *grade concerning is belong in the rule of the mathmatical logarithmics. The sentences are appeared on the next equation: a^(6-1)=100 The a is a real constant number , it is always 0 < a and 0 < a^2. and it is able to be desolved by calcuration, it is a = 2.51... It is lead the next expression, samely, 5th grade star is bright 2.5 times of 6th grade one, and 1th grade star is bright 2.5 times of 2th grade star. The idea extended make new recognization of the existences of any star grade stages,for example 7th grade star and zero grade star also on the grade number mathmatical line. On the new idea, for example, our full moon bright have minus 12 grade star. On the just before charpar, because the brightness was decided as the rate on the base of 6th dark tiny star brightness,this charper uses also this brightness unit. This brightness on the our real sky, it is how many thimes of the 6th grade star.On this stage it is B6, And it is leaded through tne next equation from the grade: g that wrotten on the star catalogue almostly, on the case of a=2.51... a^(zero-g) B6= ------------ = a^(6-g) --equ.2 a^(zero-6) The logarithmic part of this equation has the minus mark because of those star grade's traditional style. Well, 1st grade star is more bright than 6th gradestar, but 1 is small than the 6. The mark minus of this equation is needed to desolve the deffernce on the +- direction. And more,the logarithmic part is a style of the deffrence from zero value of this equation, It is the plane expression of the star grade is mean as the rate on the base zoro grade star brightness. For example of clear and typical case, the cace of the first grade star, on the extenceded concerning of the fix star brightness with the logarithmic theory, Zero garde star is bright times of 2.51 than 1st grade star, it is able to discribed as the expression that 1st star is dark times of 2.51 than zero grade star. It is more also, that 1st grade is bright than zero as 1/2.51,it is able to discribed too. on the practical algebra, g = 1 then, a^(-g) =a^(-1)=1/a = 1/2.51... /f/Now, it is able to calcurate the absolute brightness on the ten persec radius shell from the brightness on the night sky from the catalogue star grade and the distance from the earth. Conbining equ.1 and 2, Absolute_Brightness Per 6th_unit : B6= = a^( 6 - g ) * d^2 ----equ.3 In this case also,The absolute bright ness is the unit as 6th grade star brightness too. /g/ The calcuration the rate as output what times of the sun the one star brightness is. Trying to make a new equation to calcurate from this euation no.3 The output rate what times of the sun brightness the is any star brightness , It is also good simply to devide equ.3 by the solor absolute brightness, The any star's equation is equ.3, then solor parameter as absolute bright on the 10 persec shell sphere, the Solor bright ness absolute condition, = a^(6-4.8)*1^2 4.8 is sun's absolute grade famous. and this 4.8 is on the abs condition, then the distance value is 1, on the 10 persec unit. Trying to devide the equ.3 by The quontity, a^(6 -g)*d^2 a^6 a^(-g) --------------- = ---*---------*d^2 a^(6-4.8) a^6 a^(-4.8) = a^(4.8-g)*d^2 = Brightness of the times of the sun -----equ.4 This equation is able to be said by thinking expression. This equation equ.4 has the 4.8 not 6, this expression shows a any fix stars with grade and distance data, it is bright what times of the one tiny 4.8 grade star. The absolute brightness calculation stand by the condistion of the same distance as the 10 persec,This 4.8 grade star is also far away as 10 persec. In another discribing, if our solor is sure far away, it is only 4.8 graded yellow dowarf. absolute_brightness Per unit_4.8 = = a^( 4.8 - g ) * d^2 ---equ.4 I used this equation on PC tool program. ======================================== /h/ PostScript My PC system purpose required the brightness rate, but in the general astronomical theory it is required as that the absolute star grade directly on the equation-algebra. Using the idea that the star grade is also an parametor on the abstruct mathmatical scale line, The grade expression of meaning changes to next it, The parametor g :grade of star is a functional number what times of zero grade star it is bright. On this case, the equation no3 and 4 is able to be changed as the next equ.5. Absolute_Brightness Per unit_0 = = a^( 0 - g ) * d^2 --equ.5 a=2.51... And this equation is able to be changed by the logarithmic law only by one step. Fixing the absolute star grade as mark Ga,it is sure a logarithmic number and it has a root as 'a'. a is 2.51... . Ga :Grade absolute This concerning is able to be appeared as the next equation, a^(-Ga) = a^( -g )*d^2 samely Ga = -log_a a^( -g )*d^2 ------equ.6 Changing by logarithmic law also, it is the final equational style from theoretical require being gotten as next. Ga = g - 2log_a d ---equ.7 ------ This next trying ,it was that I do only as algebra training with palying, I had a simple style eauation with those logarithmic style. I had known that this style for easy calcuration with the practical logarithmic number spread map on just near past age without fast computor. I suppose that the style of log_10 X style not log_e X style is one for calcurating of the practical observing data. The being Computor is also a great machine, but we sometimes forget those value on the practical using. Especially the childlen with out the memories of the computor no-existence age, they sometimes donot know to use the computor for calcurational purpose! In generally, we have to have fun to stand on the summer-camp as sumilate for the stone-age. :) ------ The traditional expression on the ancient age,it is, a^5 = 100 = 10^2 ---equ.8 trying to melt -fuse absolute grade equation equ.7 with it as playing. by logarithmic law, log_a 10^2 = 5 = 2*log_a 10 and samely to more next by it sure, log_a 10= 5/2 ------equ.9 and by root-translating low,it is chanded to next, log_10 d log_a d = ------------ log_10 a and by the next deviding law, log_a 10 = 1/log_10 a ================ Deviving-chainging law solution. y=a^x => x=log_a y and -------------------- x=log_y a => y^x=a => => y =a^ 1/x => log_a y =1/x =1/log_y a then,generally log_a b =1/log_b a ================ The devide-equation is changed to the multiply equation. log_a d = log_10 ‚„ * log_a 10 ------equ.10 and using by next equation, log_a 10 = 5/2 confer equ.8 equ.7 is changed to next process: absolute grade Ga= equ.7 = g - 2log_a d, 2log_a d = log_10 d * 2log_a 10 = log_10 d * 5 = g - 5log_10 d ------equ.11 It is a simple style for practical calcuration I donot know this style solve- development has any meaning for practical very fast processor-computing age it was only playing as algebra training,but I discovered this equation exists on the page of the famous astronomical books. I suppose this equation was used by practical purpose on the no-computor age. I have a memories. My high school age, the mathmatical text book had also the logarithmic numbers map in the technologies new of this age,the primitive PC shined with ultra violet rey. I remember thet 8080 machine had the plice as 3000 - 5000$,and 8 inch FD drive was 500 - 750 $. sigh , un-beleievable :in japan, 1$=200 yen scale /i/ 10 persec to 1 persec I discovered it on one astro books, The books desgined this sentences the result equation as by directly one persec unit. Then now trying to solve to lead this equation. Taking distance number by 10 persec is D and num by 1 persec d,then One real distance = t, the t is appered by the two unit, as unit changing D=t/10 persec d=t/ 1 persec and the two equ. are able to join by num t, t=10*D t= d d=10*D then D=d/10 The past equation of /h/, Brightness absolute grade = Brightness grade on the sky - 5*log_10 Distance by 10 persec unit It is able to changed by directly 1 persec unit. When The taking next equation, D = Distance by 10 persec unit d = 1 persec unit /h/'s past equation = BrightnessGradeNightSky - 5*log_10 D Then log_10 D = log_10 d/10 It can be changed by logarithmic rule ----- devidinfg law solution 1st. log_10 A / B = log_10 A + log_10 1/B 2nd. K =log_10 1/B ; equ.a 10^ K = 1/B 1/10^ K = B (1/10)^ K = (10^(-1))^ K = 10^(-K) -K = log_10 B K = -log_10 B and join with K of equ.a = log_10 1/B then log_10 A/B = log_10 A - log_10 B ------- then by using result log_10 d/10 = log_10 d - 1 and Bright Grade absolute = brightgrade nightsky + 5 - 5log_10 d -----equ.12 d:distace of the 1 persec unit. It is a equation is more popular. ============================================= The Calcuration of roundness on the significant places =========================================== /a/ Out Line Expression /b/ Round Off 3 placed number upper decimal. /c/ Round Half Up 3 placed number upper decimal. /d/ Example: On Significant 2 Places Round Half Up for 3 places number /e/ Example: On Significant 2 places Round Half UP to Any real number /e-1/ /Place number to questing /e-2/ /e-1 equation general Expanding by Logarithmic /f/ Result: General Equation for Any significant place ======================================== /a/ OutLine Expression I knew that red dowarf is so tiny dark and bright Ultra Violet star great brightness laphing with loadness. its rate is easy over the defference between 1 cent of begger and prince money . But the astronomy proguram has to dispaly those brightness not enough on same weight expression for those two kinds. It is a way it make good number with the significant places. The source star data has only 2-3 of significant places,and it is no meaning those out put through the program has more many significant places as style. Then it is a nessasity also those out put round on the region of this 2-3 significant places. I try to make the next function for those significant places roundness. Next is a outline for the programs. ---------------------------------------- /b/ Round off 3 placed number upper decimal. INT is a function to integer-ize. The function:INT is on VB basical one, it makes any number to integer without decimal places rounding off. using this function,to try next, 556.555 This number is able to be changed to next: 556 ---------------------------------------- /c/ Round Half Up 3 placed number upper decimal round half up And it is able to be thought the rounding half up using INT function, It is clear that this solution using the method using the function INT after target number plussed the 0.5. Then it become the next example, 556.555 + 0.5 = 557.255 through the INT, 557 This is a way of simple rounding half up only to the one place after decimal point. ---------------------------------------- /d/Using the idea on the significant places for rounding half up.For example the signficant places=2 Round Half Up on significant is used useful in the case of the place number 2,3. On the 1st example, taking the significant place num is 2, and input number style has decimal point. It is trying to think general equation from this position first It has to need the trying to think a little special creative idea. In now position, it is good to get next result from the past example 556.555 to 560 How methods is taked for the result practically? The function INT is always rounding off after the point decimal,in other saying, it is good that the INT rounding is able to move over the decimal point. In the same case,the scientific relativity has also the huge power as a big dinasour.:) It is clearly INT function cannot move by itself, but we can move the river only on the mathmatical vertual:it is decimal point moving. On translation decimal moving practically, from 556.555 to 55.6555 =556.555/10 On the case, decimal point moving used deviding by 10. 56 Then , rounding half up this 55.6555 become to 56, And the past number t 10 multiplion to this result and te next result is gotton. 560 It is input's rounding half up with significalt places=2's rerult. The next expression of this process. INT(0.1 * 556.555 + 0.5) * 10 = 560 ^decimal point moving ^round half up ^decimal point restore And it is same to the next expression: INT( 556.555/10 + 0.5 ) * 10 = 560 p.moving r.halfup restore -----equ.a It may be easy to make the general equation of significant placed rounding. ---------------------------------------- /e/ Example: Round Half Up on 2 significant place any real number. /e-1/ place number questing If input number is not the just before, for exsample, 556.555 is not 55655.5 then it is, Those numbers are is same compleatly without the decimal point location. and trying think as through the middle processing number as the past 56. Then decimal point moving tool number become to change,it is not 10 but 1000. samely, INT( 55655.5/1000 + 0.5 ) * 1000 = 56000 moving halfup restore This processes' difference is a kind one of the point moving tool numbers. The tool number have a next typical style. 10^n And it is the understanding the way to get the 'n' from any one input number. In first example, 556.555 How information does the number have? This number is 3 places number without after decimal part.and tool number to calcurate for rounding is 10 and tool number have place 2, then 3 and 2. In the next example, 55655.5 without after dcimal point this number places is 5. 1000 has 4 places. then 5 and 4. A tiny matter discovered, those defference is same value. 3 - 2 = 1 5 - 4 = 1 It is always 1. this constant conditon might be usefull for purpose generization. And next is clear, 10=10^1 and 10 is 2places num 1000=10^3 and 1000 is 4places num Those places number have n+1 style always, and tool number is always the style as 10^n, trying to use 'n' directly to concerning equation, n 3 - 1 = 2 5 - 3 = 2 Constant num is 2 in this case. And the 2 value is same number for the significant places number on this example examination. I donot logical probing more correctly for that matter,but I try to take more development. This concerning is able to be change next, Input number's places number without after decimal point - n of toolnumber:10^n = significant palaces number And transformation, n= input number's places number without after deecimal point - significant placeesee number required It was leaded,it is also the style to quest the purpose-output from input any number's natures. And it is canable to make purpose final funtion for the program, If it is able to clear calcuration with the n concerning for the input's number places without parts after decimal . Trying to express again those concering more correctly, n : tool numbers' logarithmic num on base 10 p : the places number of input number without after decimal point s : significant places' number it is clear as: n = p - s Examinational question was changed to quest the equation for p's value. ---------------------------------------- /e/round half up on to 2 significnt place any real number /e-1/ Equation general expanding by Logarithmic by the way, 556 is 3 placed number on digit 10, and next is clear 100 < 556 < 1000 Samely, 10^2 < 556 < 10^3 And using logrithmic knowledge, 10^2 < 10^2.5... <10^3 Because of 556 = 10^2.5... aboutly. It is same mean on the logrithmic expression: 2.5... = log_10_556 And it is appointing that 556 is number of '2.5' placed on the extended expression mathmatics. But 556 is actually the number with 3 placed one daily practically, it had be needed worked by the function making this 2.5 to 3. In other saying ,the culcuration is able to be permitted as round up 2.5 to 3. it is same mean for round off 3.5 to 3 This is sure on the practical process, making 2.5 + 1 to 3.5, round off 3.5 to 3. It is the expression on PC: INT( 2.5 + 1 ) : INT function have power only as rounding off But the way is not enough tested now on the general. On the more example, Taking the number 111: It is appeared to 111 = 10 ^ 2.1... Then rounding half up those shoidour number from this 2.1... to only 2, use the last concern equ, INT(2.1... + 1) = 3 and 111 is 3 placed number The both are same value. This test is same result on the region 100 < number < 1000. becouse of log_10 Number's value is always 2 < log_10_Number < 3. Finally, trying to think on the extrem edge case , Taking that Input number is 100 or 1000. In first, 1000 case: 1000=10^3 then and Rounding up by this way: INT(3+1) = 4 And 1000 is 4 placed number,all right and taking 100, 100 = 10 ^ 2 INT( 2 + 1 ) = 3 100 have 3 places, sure. Finally on the small cherpars result of logic is, p = INT( pre_p +1 ) And pre_p=log_10_InputNumber and p=INT(log_10_InputNumber +1) -----equ.b ---------------------------------------- /f/Result:General equation for any siginificant place With combiining equ.a & b,then, Xi:input parametor to this function s :significalnt places Then, parametor for helping n Func 1 n = INT(log_10_Xi + 1) - s Func 2 output=INT(Xi/10^n +0.5)*10^n The function is purposed one. ---------------------------------------- The old rough mathmatics of aboutly 17 th century was sure feeling. In the sometimes unknown fact,the past canturies' astronomy made the idea for logarithmic mathmatics. It had a strong power for the flood of papers and pencils calcuration of planet waking on the Europian mathmatical world. Those smart elegant idea as the logarithmics is also important, but it is only on the daily endevour-stake as the paper and pencils. In this meaning, I like the way step-by -step producing. Only drinking dry gin is not good for our health, Economic movement also might be. MIYAMA. *On my code, logarithmic function on the VB, it is used as log_10 X style, not log_e X style. The translation between 10 and e is realized by logarithmic law. ======================================== Rolling trans lation unitl ver0.02 ======================================== Rolling transformation using of rule of liner transfomation studied on the high school. The point of root of star guide line,it is made through take z value maked as 0 value from star xyz data. This root point on the equator plane of earth self-rolling. And it is controlled to 2D display by the proguram-index number as sure star point data. ======================================== The 3D rolling calcuration by mouse method. written on the times Ver 0.02 ======================================== The rolling by mouse-operation,it is designed of the nature of the line from start click down to end click up with drawing. This line are to exist as the roof of 90 degree triangle on the x-y plane of graphic picture box, and the triangle has also the both of root-shadow to x and y element value. Those element value are changed to the rolling degree quontity for the vertual 3D space Z and X pole line. the rolling transformation is made by cos and sin liner transfomation. This formation logical part is same part of rolling action by the button clicking. The core rolling action is same and used by mouse and button functions. ======================================== Practical array control ======================================== This tool reads data from the data text -file.It reads data on each one data- line as one set star parametors. This program has one data set as array for one star data line set,then, If readed data set item number small from 14 setted as units, tool add vacant data --for caharctor strings as null string, --for number data as zero value. In reverse case over many data item, tool sets parameters from left data to right, and over remain data throw off to trush. On data editional work, Please take attention to item sequences. ======================================== About my tiny tools used for this starbowl making ======================================== Japanese 2bite and 1bite alphabet as :aiueo type each transfering using my KanaKana7 And Text datail data expressing windows's backcolor tuning,it used my Unlimitted White Blue's Core Logic. ======================================== About Perspective View ======================================== On the past time making version 0.01 and 0.02, Making Process was a little of heavy,I cought not to pay some care for those each small detail of this program. And the 3D view logical system was also. Through 3D location data changing to 2D visual display window,becase of difficult to care to the 3D logic,The translation 3D data to 2D display, it was only using methods to throw those shadows to the 2D display pure- mathmatically. This way can not have any perspective as a movie. This old system is a weak point on the XYZ pole-slideing moving. It was to give any function to user to show slideing moving sight changing around the Y pole sliding as moving from the front position on the view to the center depth direction. On this time for 0.04 renewal,It cought take any care to 3D perthpective,I blushed up it from simple throwing shadows way. On Moving on the scale to central space direction on the 3D vertual space,tiny bit moving of the star is able to be observed. On the auto sliding around Y pole,It moves clearly. for example, on the buttons form, tuning SlideStep Scroll Bar 's value=50 light year, and auto button right of Y Sliding Minus Button, Sight point runs away to central sun= earth point. Perspective mathmatical methods was used by Circle-Triangle function:arc tangent. In first of this trying, I had an idea to use pseudo perspective as on the art sckech book: for exsample 1/2 figure scale made from 2 distance,and 1/4 for 4 distance. But this way cannot display target on big-paper edge correctly. But arctangent method has also one week point, sight edge image is curved round as the image through fish-eye lenz. Then, this function has a style to zoom up from far view point. ---appendex--- When this program did not have the enough perspective function on 3D,I got an opinion to take a 'indicator' for scale moving distance number for the unable-recognization for moving around Y pole sliding. I have to thanks giving for returning those opinion attitude, But I wish to be permitted to be one enlarged attitude,I felt one defference feeling that it is one unsuitable idea for those perthpective problem with Y pole. The Indicator's idea was given up on the system design-hood. At least I supposed sure. He was a young man. And I considered it is a very typical diffence feeling matter on thier young generation on our 21th century, but I do not want to have a critical attitude only to injury his pride. I suppose a bit of number is only having good sence to good design and planning well to those job, many system program's job world too. The able to do with good trained sences people,they are called a master in old expression.Many workers are not sure also on the old age, but modern young guy are more typical through by some warm glass house. I supposed that the young generation did not be training well to get flexible experienced sence and logical and artistic skills.It does not distinguish the kinds of many job kindness. And I suppose also it is sure software program world for bisiness soft or games. Basically and firstly,the chip of computor had been made from the old handy calcurater on our offices and banks.then it had a native tendency of incriment and decriment for money calcuration. Because of it basically,all processor being had a nostargia for ancient integer world. The ancient calcurator was so primitive and simple than our ten thousands or 3 billions years one. And now chips are only having those histry of some tens years from the old calcurator. It is same design style though those pipe lines and its calcuration clock speed was renewaled so well. Then, if soft-designer makes his works only with those processor and circit's native tendency or deed, The his works and produced one will be a Bank- Brained square one. Because the processors are being of offspring from bank-moneys calcurational job. The bank world was made from the Integer's clouds and Spread sheat's compleatly square one.The reason is also any Programed games have almostly 2D planed flat and shallow world, it is a those world is son of the bank-works. Those world can not understand space dynamism from a+b*i, and deep detecting layer soner's dy/dx without human- tearching one by one. Well, the many bad game are almostly made by childish young without any working experienced and living training. The reason of some good designed game' s technology or idea came as the origine from the PentaGon, because of Good idea and Good teacher are so expensive. (I do not know army technology's social role is good or not resultly.But we some times have some profit by those reternal technology.) I also want not to be a over critical one, but very many processors already produced,and it was combined into many machines on office and game for boy. I suppose that it makes influences to our living and work and to our deep mental organic functions. Especially, it is more serious for boys than adult us. It is sumilar the past problem of the food health safefy. In the Infant age, child bytes and drink those foods to be gived and those food build their bones and bodies. The mental and nerve network are sure. And the mental problem in the growth periods is a serious matter that once bulided nerve circits cannot change or be deleated. The human-charactor chainging is not by old experienced circit cutting. It is generally only that the new developping nerve netwark grow up and cover over old experienced circits. Without the extrem aged it that shrinks and corrups down condition, all memories and builded circits always holdings. This tendecy appears the most clearly about first mother language. It is also more serious,that matter very so many processors were produced already. The children are on the environmental stage for many soft and games. The soft and games are there already too. Someone have an anxious that the infant nerve is injuried by bad influence of cheep designed software or games of the before being selected to extinct on the evolution. Though the influence is good or bad, it is clear that it makes already influence to our mental vartebra. When those children growed to social core layer of the working,then the new genaration's mental tendency influenced the many produced processors will be framd as the future constructure too. If bad influences from cheep software will appear future everywhere, It is a kind of terrible scenes. At least,because we cannot deny being of those processors already many produced and combined to social many parts, then we have an antena for each for those informational-machines influence. And to think how those machines are able to get good form for the functional figure and how they are able to be needed by the social standing position. It might be also included the big internet and handy celler phone's problem. In this meaning, we have to teach to the machines the world and univerce with natural law and depth. If their responce is able to have un-natural dynamism, we as the reciever will not have any stress. It is also our economical cost problems. If those our servants is not good wisdom level, we have to order direction to those beings on detail again by each times. One stupid serf-scene is sometimes comedy as the children picture books, but those stupid comedy are there on the office dayly scene. In the basically for example, theSQL idea is so simple and hurvestfull, but in many time ,many common engineer donot understand those essence. Then, many engineer can not design simple SQL system and only to continue to use the huge software readymade packaged with the expensive price. And finally office girls knocked keyboard for the invoices from a to z on the primitive way without selfish engineer's help. In this same hours, many young engineers drinks beers and watched football TV. It is a kind of crime. They are not adult before being enginiering workers. But it is common scene in the japan everywhore. It becomes to be heavy social serious cost and makes seeds of tired recession. The japanese deep and long recessions' half cause is probally sure matters. It is same that the sectional boss men cannot understand tools and machine and donot know how to use bank-chip-brained youngs. The reason that Those unbelievable fenomina is able to exists, it is past japanese goverments taked a protection policy from the company crushing in the longtime. But now already in those serious deep recession, the economical deep sergery cannot execute without any vital as the very old patient. Probablly now japanese are only mental- farmer and serves. Good smiths is once extincted already. sigh. Not only inner japan, we have to make the good machines and have to live with those machine. Any other way is nothing in our modern realistic. In this meaning, the German might be a good teacher or good exsample. German cought not be a deep-farmer with glusher-bad soil. They cought not walk on the other way of the being smith. Now german factrical sells have some strong power, it has those racional origin. By the way,good smith has to be a good scientist. the criosity tendency is also heavy important resource on the craftsman working. It is also important the criosity for un-known also for next generaton's good work in the wide-generally, but I cannot say the importance of the edication at all. It is not sometimes understood clearly that any teaching is unable to do for no -wishing to learn. The educational money from the government is very important one, but it has to be used well with good significant. It is also a part of the people tax. I suppose the government has to know thier unable to do matter or limit of the powers by themselves. Finally the education and learning is a kind of the self-guard planing to servive for the one and those family. I suppose the idea of the goverment style is a special one that those race has elastic and hard spritual tradition. In the hard correctly, in the high relativity asia, a style high tax and high service ,it might be unable. The mean of relativity is same also loosy. Compleat freedom cannot have any policy. Not thick religious traditional asia, the word is non sence 'political'. Without basical writing and reading as the prime child school, all high edicational ones have to be only management by student's parent's money. I suppose the edicational right do not have a high school stage region. The high cost of the high-stage edicational for the lazy boy,it only makes sly young. For those boy, value of the life is only lucky or unlucky. Nothere is effort or achivement. If over-school condition is serious for boy-sugered, the many school has to close up and government makes to change the money and teacher for another else purpose now serious demanded. For each teacher's position, sometimes it might be better than suicide. Many child and collage student run and hop always over lecture time with celler phone speaking. This is not play land...... The governmental way is not permitted to contribute for the clearly loss. Without emargency condition, nomeaning contribution is denied by tax payers. If our government makes many sly young as social hedge with using our tax, it is only betray deed. To decide no to do is also political policy. But the weak government can not it too as the poor things. On japan, through long time calms and welth,people and new generation got a loosy condition. Probably they cannot survive on the Lion Land. But I want not to write that the good medisine for the sick may be social crush or war. But our histry had so many those cases. ------ It is unable matter to solve for our real on the most last. We cannot do not to avoid the worst heat up condition. The each worker have to give up if those job become as the red heated iron. It is better than suicide. I try to write a bit of the hope ability. It is also prime school edicational matters. It may be the importance good playing without complex toy. The children have to know and learn the natural law and the social system constracture. For this reason, the being playing have many reality. off course, similation toy is only second way. real playing have many imformation and low cost in many cases. well, some dengerous are there it is sure, but our adult world is sure. The child will grow to us finally. Also with the tendency's defferent is there, but their world and our one has not any seam. I had not readed the book 'Studied many important matter on the sand field kindergarten':I forgeted correct title, but please try to request:it might write sure matters. I sometimes feel the wightness of the symbol word 'Sammer camp'. The real nature is probablly most suit teacher, and world have always the face the bad land. The Artificial toy is always second way. If real earth planet exists in any each home as true-real toy, The Earth Sumilator in Yokohama-Japan for earth quake or dynamic climate -weather with high expensive is lost those existing meaning. The sumilator is only used to understand unable to touch for many reasons. If real object is there of the our life, we have to touch or stand by it. In japan, The dating sumilation PC game are also there. This scene is near the evolution over development. The Japanese manga sub culture people's half parts was not stopped to play those world by their parents or their surrounding adult people. In many case, their family is poor or lack of the family healthy-skinship. ======================================== About Vital from co-operation concerning with matrix sol physical activity. And sumilarity between Codes and Gene :Unplanned writing as about diary. ======================================== This sentences made from the process 1 Ramdom writing 2 Charpers location changed and renewaled it on as editing. And then, I wrote the word DNA is same mean to gene,but correctly DNA is not same to gene. The DNA have nomeaning sequence parts much as the intron or LINE. but in the explainig, the word is used as the gene. /contents/------ /a/ Computor Code and Gene's sumirality /b/ Co-operation between partials /c/ The nonsence is thinking the priority position of the system or herearchy with out cooperational understanding /d/ The Domination or Co-operation style are choosed by the bigth of the wide-meaning the environmental economical pie. The racing and seed-sleeping occured on the lack condition. On the over multiplizing condition it leads those difficulty for the co-operation. --cooperation example 4--- /e/ co-op1 The DNA cannot read self- imformational data without Cells' Sol's Help. /f/ co-op2 DNA makes saving information loss using cell's matrix-sol or inner body's physical law. /g/ co-op3 Complex fenomina with co- operational action over through each elemental bodies' parts, it makes sometimes easy running to development with some surprise. /h/ co-op4 The recognizing way for the biology as a physical fenomina with one half of the sumilation on the slicon environment. * on this sentences 'coop' is not japanese custamor union for flesh food surplyer, and it is not past soviet union's name on the luna robot veacle as the cccp. :) ---------------------------------------- /a/ Computor Code and Gene Sumilarity I felt it through those program- updating work process that it is same feeling our cells' genes and organic function known as the biological matters. It is my feeling that those repairing and developing work on the already- existence resources than the making from the one first step on the inocent design field. It might be a ideas using those past timed resource for new purpose with a more-small energy and operetions to development. The genes was made by neture ,in other hands The being of code is made by the human conciousness, those are have a clear differnce of the origin, But I had those touching feeling on the both matters.For concreate example,I can take two matters: one, Already being of logic code or long function,if the request is to exist that one want to controll for new differ purposes the function's action,it is also one way there that it is to put the new logical cussion layer of logic on the over those function. And this layer can control those old functional part by upper command as logical messenger from more apper-operation. two, For same request, other way to make many copies from original function and get a small changing to each copies for the each differ purposes. Those ways are able to be said as the same attitude, In this meaning that result new fanctions parts is not having huge mono- being body with great many functional methods controled by many logical propaties and repaired many interrupt action's directions stream-branch. The example of mono-huge system, many stop-confliction as gear and belt confusion jamming. I know the life system though it have some no-slim system on the logical resources,but many logical threads are each independed, there are also each influrences on the each by each, but it is a reasonal origin basical strongth to logical system comfliction because those process are independence each. In the good example of the two, ------------ * The first thing: Bulding control layer is same 1-1 the arising promotor sequence of DNA evolution or 1-2 chemical receptor's evolution that protein included on the ripid layer of the cell's surface, -------------- * and 2nd one,copying offspring for many diffent purpose is 2-1 multiprization of Gene set for development, 2-2 and probabbly eiconoside or steroid-massengers variational progressive evolution. It is a only the my thinking as one amature. Because the author studied a little of biology before getting PC skill I felt those sumilar feeling, I felt it is able to be said that code evolution of computor and DNA biology knowledge,it have many same points.DNA traditional evolution researched might be is a typical text-book for computer desined(but it is also enough is not best). /b/Co-operation between those pertials On another feeling without the last example from 1-1 to 2-2 ,it was a message concerning by message methods's kinds. The computer comunications between many forms or logical threads is near the being for the chemical messanger substance in our body. A part of programer sometimes hate the global parameters that sometimes it makes to occur bad deed, but same idea are appeared as the name environmental parameters too. (I feel one kind of dogmatic narrow mind on their common scences inprinted by the fassion of cord-writing. Their clothes and life style sometimes so dart with junk foods , it might be another expression that they donot decide to select any style by theirselves. Thier conciousness always flows on the water of the fassion from by the anothoer authority. Comment only, No Move.) Those parameters and propaty are near to the chemical messanger substances. This is also not message thing but it is enargy substance trading, Between CyteSol and Mitocondria trade the Hydronising power on the Asperginic acid. The mussule cells and liver one trading each the Hydro-Pirbinic acid for temporary lack of the oxigen tuning on the mussule cell. Probablly computer system trading the number-value each between on the partials, not with the chemical substance power of the enargy. The looking-view from tall place is important for whole-recognization of those many elements' concerning. I am not a doctor, but I suppose also that the doctor observation always is required that it is sure on the viewing hill, but it is also difficult matter to get over compleatly. I suppose it is not thing only for doctor's work,many jobs are sure. I think those horo-dynamizm with circuration and activity each influences ,it is not understood only by reserching pertial died sample on this doctor's work's example. /c/ The nonsence thinking the priority position of the system herearchy without co-operational understanding It is a good solution of the next popular but bad feeling is based on lacking togather help circulation on whole body. /d/ warning it has a little serious topics: 'The Domination or co-operation style are choosed by the bigth of the wide meaning the environmental and economical pie. The racing and seed-sleeping occured on the lack condition on the over -multiplizing condition it leads the difficulty for the co-operation..' In the past histry,sometimes the genology understood as a dark image by many people. Then they thought that the genology is used by the selecting method people for the social and world herearchy. Sometimes extrem nationalism explained their priority using those gene theory. The fenomina is same for the case that people throught or denied the evolutional theory from C.Darwin. I feel that the explainings ware everywhere in the past 20th century. In many time it was used for their violence justification. Because it was only a justfication, those saying ware there around some economical or national-profit trouble. Those example's worst might be on the WW2. In now we knew already those discussion is also nonsence. Although Some special pairing of gene conbination of 2n phase-system, sometimes lead gene-desiese or not-well growth for body functions,anyone connot say that is correct that one region people all gene set is whole-bad tendency. Basically, if all set are no good they cought survive for serious mankind long histry. At least it is able to be discuss only on the case of the between deffer specices unable to biological marriage. In this meaning, on the genology and race-matter, the priority or master- slave concerning is always nonsence. But those explaining was everywhere in the longtime, many old generation people had some fear to the gene and DNA difficult image for themselves. --selfsh gene topic as an example----- The reason that I taked those unbright topics on this place, I wanted to talk a little the 'Selfish Gene theory' by R. Dokins a biologist. Many and especially old people had a arelgy to the genelogy's priority topics with our pain memory. I supoosed some writters no included Mr.Dokins tryed to take profit fee through their second popularizational essey books. As a poor fenomina, those books might aim to those printing profit without even objective attitude. In other many case, good selling uses with emotional sencational topics. In some strong mental kight,if they are noticed ourselves body is only a viecle, they will take a good sports and work with the viecle with fun. Some sincere thanks those viecle gived to them as one fortune too. But many people are not almostly those strong or erastic. Therefore, the printing trick-bussiness is able to existence. The image that 'gene' drives our body ,it might be over abustruct. This point of the 2nd publishing trick, the being of the gene is 'he' or 'they'. In our body, many kind of genes existents, and on one kind's gene, those copies are in the each our 10^14 piece's cell. From this scientifical fact, it is unsuitable that the being gene is called as subjective 'he'. Some times it is aable to be occured some quarrel with those 'selfish genes' togather on our viecle. And only some set of the genes go over the next generation,and the remain 10^14 sets will be died with our body and our concious. It might not return to deny the selfish gene being, but it is enough those abstruct fear for the many people is able to be vanished. Probablly the Shakespeare might not write:The gene loud exists? to be or not be. And we have to hold a power not to be agitated easily by cheep theator writter. In only japansese scene,the student's theator drama is no meaning to watch in many time. They are not already enough experienced social real at least. It is a doubltful sometimes that the enemy said by those writter living on their job-fee is really enemy.In this cases, the selfish may be those writters. ----- I wanted to take in this sectence, the difference of absolute master and absolute serf is nonsence,it is. At least on the scentific attutude sure. The gene being are only a kind of parts of ourselves. In the same mean, the PC style DNA code is not life only on the fugure. ------ ---as appendex--- At least the all over logicalization and justification is not a scientific attitude. In the histry probablly as matter between races,the master or master layer was only a winner from war control-side. The saying the histry is made by winner, it shows those same facts. In those process stream, the being justification is only a kind of the subculture. In this mean, Preude- pedigree nameing is same to role- playing. If the justification is used by other winer pedigree, it is only a flattar. On the histry,the battle is only a battle. The racing is also sure. I donot know the next expression is good or not, but I like the word. 'good empeiror only living on the future'. As one appemdex, I remembered a word 'Rubicon River'. This word has good and bad meaning togather. Julius was not clean at least. In this meaning he was to near to the Anakin S. Many Presidents have the both faces of good and bad. Firstly, job and goverment is not clean at all. The saying to the adult and old men by young man, it was always that the adult is dirty(The meaning is not all adult love the pornography on this sentences. ). But living way has always a bit of bitter and dirty. The hippy calture is only sub culture not with any real and responcibility. In the past roman topics, The empire-system always arised when people spritual (not it is the force) power was loosed in our past histry. The being democracy is always tryed and checked those health. The democracy 's lost histry was there. Those periods was many than the Greeks short golds. The past Roman Empire existed in a few centuries with those troubleful histry. As about many profitable episodes seriese. The scentific attitude is recognizing the effect of powers. it has no needs to quest those powers's justice at least. Therefore, many huge-killing weapons was produced. It is clear guiltly the science and technology if one quests it. In middle century japan, past govern ment had some alarm to people over- studying. Shallow mental want to hold a method for violence. In the worst, the science is 'them' not 'him'. ==================== --co-operation 4examples ----- /e/ Co-op1 The DNA cannot read self- imformational data without cell's sol's help.Cooperation DNA and Sol of cells and machine-code and us with activity The reason of that the long discribeingfor gene ,that it is near position of code and machine. The gene of necleus and matrix sol can not be recognized as the each pertial on the biological action. The machine and us cannot exist on the each alone now already. For machine side, they cannot make econimical demand only by themselves. Only in this mean, it is able to be said as that they are serf because they are on the service side. It is a reason that some catastrophy reccesion from over producing of the factrical products. (In now, It is difficult the realization as about requid type emotional atomosphere fenomina or sumilation using by the machine and computer directly. Those realize might need many fast chips and networking clustering tecnology,and now this do not have enough power for those purpose. If the automatically economism is made by the now stage technology ,it will be near for the hard rocky socialism style as correct clock-watch. It is a assume those system having the natute of the resistance for the fenomina of the wide meaning democrasy's boy-sugered and bubble economy. It is also bad dream. ), But it is easy saving the planning power by using us-being as the power source for the economical demanded activity with some desire. This is now world style. Machine and computor-code is not produced by self-muliplization. As about alone DNA, it is not a life being sure. The DNA being is designed for saving imformation and holding by hydoronized as poly vinyl coating (The D of DNA is 'DeOxi' is for stable nature to resistance by destroy. the Life activity is same on other side it is eagy to change nature. it has samely a risk moleccular body to get some injury. But on this meaning, D of DNA is means not-living activity, it is near D of Death The expression might be over abstruct.), and its figure and position a kind of a wax doll in the musiam with silent stopping smile. The way makes to melt the stopping smile data and pour new activity into being, it is only reading-action. The good book has not any idea with out good reading. If one society cannot hold any good reader by those social conflict or confusion, the books have misfortune. And it will be a miracle through those black periods if some classics will be able to survive and to reach. We have to hold a thanks for Musulim. The (DNA and (Data and Books)) ,it is nomeaning without reading, it can be said those not be alone only through reading in other side. It is good mater or not,I cannot know it. Those high substancial attitude is not belonging to the objecctive view. At least, the being DNA and Computor is not master over the us at all. (--appendex again--- It is near to the our cell's mitcondria 's origin. One the powerful theory is there, our mitocondria's past roots was a other microbe as paracyte into our big cells. Mitocondoria and now microbe have those independent selves DNA. Our neaclear core side ability can make the now mitocondoria's energy cycle work do by ourside-selves by random evolution in the long time if envirronmental request for survive. But our roots choosed the way togather living the paracyte. The paracyte might have some epidemic element or not, but it losed in longtime with togather life. Through those flexible biological our long evolution matter looking, the being eternal master is nothere in our real. Some ancient america indean said one animal is able to live as the another animal through it is eated by this another. I suppose that some buddism idea say sure. But it have only to say in the position of the animal being eated. Eating position saying is only a justification.) /f/ Co-op2 DNA have a saving informational loss using cells-matrix sols or inner body physical law. For the example,one famous experiment of marine red and purple sponge,It is a experiment that crush those body to cell flouting requid,and observing this re-togathering those cells and to new each body. The red and purple sponge cell can distinguish each by each their neighbour cell is same or deffer for itselves, and get gathering to with its same members cells. On the attitude of each cells , it only recognises simple sence and gets simple ran-walk action of a a few kinds. But those finally leads some constructure composed with layers of any different cells. In a primitive stage our eggs in the mother's inner,makes organs in first. A kinds of some sumilation of cell deed with the random walking is able to be realised on the PC vertual environment. The trying is on the base of the some simple theory's points, but it moves so sumilar to the real cell walking and to result constructure. It is also only a model for theory to recognizing those cells moving and deed,but it has a power to explain- point to the next one thing. Then, our genes have not so many information to biuld our body and to direct active function as a big blue print desined.But body was builded by genes' direction.It is a kind of mistery. The fact shows the next to us that it might be that the genes takes the process good-saving imformational loss for work to body-building. Or the system might not recognizes 'saving loss' aimly. Probably our body and gines' way is deffer for our inderstrial system desinned by pre-conciousness. We think always that pre blue print is made 3d locational datail data. If any knowes cad-software tendency, he kmnow the some small house's DXF files has one weight mass of data quontity. Probabbly life's imformational style compleatly defferent. In the concreate example, life random system use well the methods of the HouseDolf Demention of the flactal system. I suppose many people Mandelbrout beauty his fase ^H^H^H^H^H^H computer art, it is flactal fenominan typical one. For example, trees bloom figure donot have many imformations inner their gene-stage level. This figure is made by only a few parameters on the mathmatically. It is easy to realize as a testing play on the PC. The tree-figure sumilation was fasshioned in my youth age on the 8 bit pc period. The dendro figure also including our lung small pipe,is made by imaginary number multiply as the mathmatical fenomina. Also in the practical life's body inner, some progressive chemical messangers, those effective function is not complex without reserching for those substance's moleculor each small function. The life donot need compleate same inderstrial productions copied. If it has enough functions of the body's or those orgen function, the a little curved cucumber is permitted. The imaginary number's deed on the mathmatical space, The understanding only for this outline , it needs some high school mathmatical experimant. (The imaginary number i^2= -1 have same nature for the rolling liner transformation. As surprising, imaginary number is able to be sumirate by 2*2 style square array. I discovered in my 20 years aged, but the basical school study ferilaizer leaded me to it only. ) If the gene and body building embrio process has any aims to bulid own body , I donot know. But the life system is saving impormational mass and loss saving using those way. it might be a near the position of the JPEG or MPEG. The mathmatical way is big defference, but they are is same no having each whole data on each step. For exsample , the DVD disc system is made on the Mpeg skills, it makes visuial screen from the just before image , because of it, if before image data broken, screen will be clushed with rainbow noise. Some gene's disease has near appered process. The dendro-building is a good example, at least our body might be made those simple mathmatical way and those combined cathcerd. Probablly the mathmatical function has a strong power for the result-imformational compression. The important point, the math function is a space function without the differnces between real or vertual. The math function obeyes physical law. Probabbly it is anothor expression that 'DNA is saving imformational loss through using CyteSol or body emvironment.'. Off cource, this sight can explaining more many gens deed. (The simple physical law's leading has important for body design buliding. Some gene mutation makes changed the shignal substance's function to deny as inosence or reverse. Some result is serious for those gene's holder embrio. The important chemical messangers' function is noncence or reverse, cell's layer position reverse or comfused, those embrio's body is organs to out appeared. This homo-holding embrio for this gene, offcource cannot survive. It is so serious chainging, but this mutation on the only a few gene. Those serious physical Gene 's set are called the HomeoBox ,I supposed. ) /g/ Co-op3 Complex fenomina with co- operational action over through each elemental body's parts,it makes sometimes easy running to development with someone surprise. And it is sometimes surprised that matter biological fenomina and deed of animals are sumilated on PC cords easy, sometimes it has so short logical code line on its realization. Product out animal body and those deed complexilities on sumilation or experimental mechanics, those orignal code and parts' complexility, are sometimes enough of the very simple.its a kind of mistery on our real too. 'Try to Knoking the door then it Open.' on the life world too. In the old age of 1970 ,on NTT's labo makes the model robot '3eyed gatherring bug' showed some so interesting action. And trying experiment robot-centipude with many combined body-unit block with simple tiny integrated circit and small leg servomotor,it has only simple constructure of those each unit, but it can move on suitable complexility. Those scenes will be surprized by the Henli Ferbul of the insectlogy. In those perspective's essencial view for realise-experiment, It is not mistery also auto running animal constructed by many cells quickly appreared in the ancient our planet environment if some aboutly 5 kinds of each another type cells was made, At least I suposse sure. It might be that it is real fact on the foccel on the rock layers. the example Purutus ameba or Big mono cell animal weared many thread-wool to swim appeared on the earth of the age before 1 - 1.5 billion years ago, and the Cambrian Exploding evolution that they say is a about 0.6 billion year ago. Aboutly 0.5 billion years is not a long time on the life-evolution at all. For example, the evolution from fish to us is aboutly same time. It is enough to accept to understand because of fish and our body design are almostly same using bashically same kind parts and cells. But for many biologist, The same time maked a work from mono cell animals to a jelly fish, it is more surprising matter. It needs make compleatly differ cells. This topic is near on now for around ips-cells. /h/ Co-op4 The recognizing way for the biology as a physical fenomina with one half of the sumilation on the silicon environment. I discovered it that is some letters on a web. There is beside on a computor sumilation for running embrio cells for bulidong those organs. The letters 'It is in silico'. I surposed firstly that sumilation's mode cell dislikes glass desh on the warm chamber. I supposed also the real one grows on the silicon erastic deshs. Those was misunderstanding. The meaning that the Slicon is PC vertual environment for the sumilation. The expression of the 'in silico' has a same kind of those sound as the 'in vivo' and 'in vitro 'as the medical latinic word. It is SO difficult using :) I love this word. Those high easility on the philosopical is funny and hurvestful. I surpose that this word maker was toxisoned by latin wine. We sometimes forget to the fun to join. Many value divelopment was made from sight and knowledge jointing. The hard correct research is for giving high resistance to those researching knowledges for other using, not only for the itselves. It is near the idea significant figures. Enough is a very important idea for scientific attitude. olieve pizza loved by MIYAMA. so deeply ============================================== ============================================== readme end ============================================== ==============================================