Alanyzing and Graphical function
2D graphical graphical program.
Equational Gram ver0.99.
compile Dec 16th 2002
author kaztomi miyama kaz_kimijima@livedoor.com
1 program detail
2 envilonment for action of PC
3 action interface
4 operational method
5 destributional permission
6 using permission
7 addres and url
8 essay
1 program detail
this program drows any inputted functional equation
by kyeboard as seaquqncial charactor strings.
whole any y=f(x) style function :it is able to drow
inputted it.
2 envilonment for action of PC
CPU :over intel 486 enough about 500-800 Mhz
over intel Pntium X or other 3rd party.
memory :over 32Mbyte, enough about 64Mbyte.
OS :windows 95 98 me nt4.0 2000 xp
dll :runtime packege of visual basic 6.0
Other program's URL http://kimijima.tripod.co.jp
3 action interface
please click equgram.exe and make it to start.
*the Form to analyzing inputted equation string
[ window to input equation seaquences. ]
[ First analyzing solution result output ]
[ Second analyzing solution result output ]
[ windows to input:ailias ]
Third analyz [input x to symple calc ] analyzing start btn
ing solution [output y to symple calc] call graphic form btn
output exit btn undisplay msg on calcration.
4 operational method.
This form has the function to analyzing the
functional equation and to store into forms inner
able to access from by another form or program
It is no problem which upper input window or
under one to input for functional equation.
and No message check box be alse to existence to
vanish each detail error message on anyzing and
each calcuration.
Those detail messageges had be needed on structing
times of logical logical analyzing processes.
But this no msg chk chk is automatically turned
off by inner upper process, only on symple symple
using,it is no problem to try to think to attention
to this chechk box box existences.
the Functional anayzing will start on click
[Func analysis]btn after to input function to input
the inner process to analyzing had third stage.
the Green zone is equation's bracket relation of
order graphics graphics graphics.
If you had a enough inspiration talent,
then you will recognize that those inner working
logical logical system. :)
If any error message appeared,the analyzing
process finished.
Un suitable charactor is not always to permit to
be displayed on input equation window with error
Next is suitable to display charactor.
x for input
e as point number and log as y= log e (x)
and only symple style bracket : ( and ).
sin sin cos tan are always ok,
but sec sec cosec cotan is always unable.
Number inputaion
number inputation is symplly symplly as '+123' .
But on upper layer of abstruct bracket logic
bracket logic ,
please input as '(x-123)' .
if one input bare numchrachtor on window without
any bracket then the program adds autmatically back
bracket to after those numbers.
and mis match number of sum of front bracket and
backs one, the program maes makes to appear as
mis match message.
(Bracket charactor are not changed those
and please input brank bracker paier as () without
x charactor or
any inner functional strings. Brank bracket is
always ignore on calucurational process.
this program had not a special function to
recognize of * or ^ calcurational tag's priority
than + or -.
therefore, some attention are needed on calcuration
of the next equation equation.
please input as nxt:
I canot pay hours to this AI development.
please take sure to input those about flat complex
Always */^+- analyzed from left from left those
tag symplly.
the Form to display fnctional functional graphic.
clear graphics call func analyz form exitbtn
graphics 100times choice switch para to picture y dot
zone times choice delicate line color
parameters of calcuration
input x :minimam input x::maximam
input y :minimam input y:maximam
expression btn
after analyizing form works ,then push callgraphic
btn and call this form.
first loaded fefoult defoult paramaetrs:
line color water blue
calc calc calc abstruct zone is :x= from minus 1 to plus 1
expression y zone is :y= from minus 1 to plus 1
calc calc calc step is : 100 steps
parameter expression window mode :
graphic window pixel dot.
This form program program actional logic is:
* the calclation high speed forcely at once time
to memoryzone. and then each expression processes
works on those memories parameters as to call
processes a kind of.
for example, calclation process works 10000=10^4
steps mode, then it gets to work on machine memories
as 10000 parameters sequances.
actual operation
I suppose suppose it is easy to understand once
operation than say to expression as detail each.
example: to drow the graphic of y=(cos(x)).
please input on analysis form inpput wndow as :
then check Nomsgchk as active.
and push funcanalysis btn tbn and to display as
solution on multi each each window.
those complex charactors ,
please only feel those charactors sure as magic
next, call graphic form through pushing callgraph
: zone of x and y is no problem y is no problem as
default -1 and +1.
please push undercalc btn and , expression btn then
graphic line displayed .
this program all trianglefunction is on base the
raduan angle system, on this case as x=-1 to 1 then ,
it lets always to display not whole sine
let whole sine sine curves.
please push pictureclear picture clear btn,
after clear graphic graphic,
input x= -3.14 to +3.14 then,
again push undercalc and expression btn then,
it will display whole clear sincurves.
*to change this rough mode to smmooth.
plase check dot1000chk to active,
then calc step display window appeared as 1000
push u.c. btn and e.btn again , more smooth on
1000 step.
the smmoth mode is able tochoice 10000=10^4 step
by step display window.
*solution of the case unable to display graphic
Probabllly, selected parameters expression zone,
is not suitable for display window.
1 please return returen step mode as 100 on click
dot 1000chk as false as false.
2 push output parameters btn ,
if y parameters seaquences out of selected display
y zone area, then please change parameters of y
expression inputable zone.
General operational process is same on this sine
curve example.
All cases cases of function can be displayed on
this program form without apprear analyzing errors.
calc output btn is that it makes to output resolt
those loop to the outer output textfiles.
the VB expressionTEXTBOX is unable to dis play
over 32 kByte strings seaquences,therefore ,over
1000 step mode ,it only on work mode of parameters
output to the Text Files output mode .
If this program fleezes, on infinite loop
or sure kinds,Please forcy forcy terminate with
sametimes pushing on ALT+CNTL+DEL.
5 destribution distribution permission.
distribution free only no change archives files
6 using permission
it is shareware.
*Execute file 40 dallors on each one person.
*Source Files it same permission as Academic
research essay document.
1 it is fee as no maney only to research for
social resorces for world wide.
2 Full Copy is no permitted on all any cases.
3 source reader please pay 40 dallers lisences.
4 the Company or group to thier profit use source
program as production program for their profit,,,
they have to trust on new licences to me.
TokyoMitsubishi Bank IkebukuroHigashiguti Branch
0005-173-0877927 (Normal) Kazuki Kimijima.
7 url and address.
8 Essay:Program action logic.
Dec 16th 2002.
Actual Expression of this program action logic.
This program's logical core is sequences of
charactors strings to a able style on PC memory to
use by PC program's inner loop logic.
1 The practice.
1 a kind of hint was that all equation is a complex
bracket constructure in bassically.
On bracketconstructure parameter sequences is a
base idea to nanalysis for equation.
more practical,
1 functional string inputted is soluton to
bracket indexsequences.
2 all strings's front bracket is parameters
group's symbol flag.
for example,
:@= + or - or * or / or^
this complex function was solutioned to bracket
it is developed to the logical depth expression
This figure expresses that upper logical bracket
is fig.up and down logical one is sure.
those logical structure is decided by the parameter
[depth parameter] of programable constructure's
member on Font bracket number complex constructure .
this program decides on running time,
each calculational sequencese at time by the
bracket constructures sequences index and the each
bracket constructures depth parameter.
members of front bracket constructure:
constructure :bracket
index: sequences index
bracket logicaldepth .depth
distinguish+-*/^ .calckind
distinguish function .funkkind
Double Num Buffer .buf
Logical Standby .open
Sure Decleared.
Those logic works on the next policy.
a After self calclation asd input upper bracket
buffer,it makes to its open parameter to close mode,
then on logical next time, this bracket is
unvisible on upper logical view.
b process of calclational execute
when the bracket was ordered from upper bracket
logic,then it makes the own buffer
1 buffer = this bracket own functional kind (buffer)
2 justbeforeparent buffer = justbeforeparentbuffer (+-*/^) this own buffer
on the other says,calculation the own buffer and
complex input to upper parent bracket buffer,
c action for next logical process.
after bracket calcuration and complex inputation ,
seaquencial index is always maked as number 1.
d calcurational permission logic:by open parameter
if next index's bracket's open palameter is
close=false then,it ignores the times index bracket
and index number incliment.
e calcurational permission logic2:depth logic :
next depth is more deep then ignore.
if next index's bracket's open is open mode,then
depth id more deep, then calclational logic is
it as ignore.
f calcrational permission logic3:depth logic :
next depth same flat then to calc.
(samely next is alse open mode,)
depth is flat same then to calcration.
calcrational permission logic4:depth logic :
next depth more upper then to calcration.
(next bracket open mode =open then,)
depth is more upper then to calcuration.
calcurational permission logic5:final bracket.
final bracket is always calcurationed with
This graphic is actual sample.
white calcuration finished yet.
wine red ready to be calcurational and inputted =open mode ,open.
waterblue process ignores it by envilonment =open mode is open.
yellow now calcration.
real red was inputted from inferior buffer...
on index 1,next index 2 is under than no1, it is
hit logical itemE. process ignores index1.
on index 2,is same action with index 3.
On index 3,process hited to item G that next open
bracket depth is more upper,then process makes to
start index 3 bracket calculation and input those
result just before upper upper open buffer:index =2.
and close the index 3.index 3 was vanished on
process logic.
and by process item C, index was returened to first
number 1.
The index 3 condition was changed and index 2
envilonmental was changed too,then index 2 bracket
condition hitted to logical item F that next open
index index buffer bracketis depth flat.
to start calcuration.
and after it,by process item C, index was returned
to first number 1.
from index 4 to index 5 constructurel sequences.
both cases are hitted to logical item F :same layer
condtion.calcuration and inputted process started.
and on process item C, makes index as No.1.
on the index=6 case,it hits then item G that its
next open is depth is more upper.
start calcuration asnd to index 1 by process item C.
on index 1, index 1 then hitted to logcal item F
that same layer condtion condtion.
and index to 1 by item C.
On index 8 is hitted simply item H :Final open index
bracket calcuration.
and index is to 1 by process item C.
index that from 1 to n=8 that all open logical to
close,logical calcurational process process
compleately finished.then master process the index0'
s bracket bracket buffer buffer buffer buffer to
outer process as output.then those complex functional
action requested by
another upper process finished.